is it possible for me to just quit without patches and things I hate smoking but it's so hard to stop please help
Quitting: is it possible for me to just quit... - Quit Support

Hi Leanne, Welcome to our community , I am Jillygirl and pleased to meet you. The answer to your question is difficult as some people on this site have quit without any replacement therapy others use nrt to help them. Emjay or Claire are our advisors and I am sure they will be able to advise you. You have certainly made the right step on quitting and asking for help. Emjay should reply to you soon, or certainly in the morning.
Whilst you are waiting have a look at some of the questions and blogs on this site. I think they should help. There are also a lot of silly ones too, as you will gather. (mainly me who is silly )
I am 63 and smoked since i was 17 so you can imagine I thought I would struggle. However I use a inhalator but only when I get a craving. I have been smokefree for over 3 months now. The biggest help I find is logging into this site. Everyone is so friendly and supports you.
Please stay with us here. Well done on making the first move.
Well I'm sure if you can do it so can I, I'm only 19 but have been smoking since I was 15 I give up one using low strength patches for two weeks but went straight back on them I want to quit sooner rather than later I'm sure I can achieve it with the help off you guys thanks for replying I'll have a look through
Hi Leanne, Andi here and welcome to our lovely community. You've come to the right place for help with your quit.
You are talking about quitting 'cold turkey' and that is the way that I quit. I found it really difficult at the beginning - I think it's making that big jump to start with and as I'm on my own I'm sure I wouldn't have managed as well as I have without the support of all the lovely people on here. (I am starting week 12 today!)
Have a look back in the archives for some more tips and advice.
Emjay is our quit support helper and I am sure she will contact you as soon as she can.
Looking forward to you joining us soon and good luck with the quit,
Hi Leanne, Glad you came back to us. I am 55 and started smoking when I was about 13 and never tried to give up during that time. I remember a schoolfriend got me on to it. We used to go to youth club and of course it was really the cool, grown-up thing to do (and everyone else was doing it). You are young enough to get rid of that noose before it starts to strangle you. It will still be difficult, especially at the beginning but you've already taken the first step by researching and finding us.
Don't forget, if you get any questions, just come on here and also join in with our daily chat (which does get a bit daft at times) as we find this helps as well.

Aup Leanne nice to meet you gal, my names Pete, i'm the old boy who these Girlies keep bashing and getting at well i think they have said most of it, but there is one thing that i know, and that is -- you have to really really want to quit, it helped me to write down why i wanted to quit, and when i got the cravings i used to read it to myself, to remind me ''why'' i was quitting, dont know whether i've helped or not, hope i have
Speak soon gal Pete

Hey Leanne, welcome to our happy place, our on-line stop smoking community
You can stop smoking without using patches or any other form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). However you really must put more effort in the planing and preparation beforehand. Saying that, given the chance, I would say the same whether or not you wanted to use NRT.
There's some great comments already from some of our lovely members
Can I just check the following out with you?;
How soon are you wanting to quit?
How many do you smoke each day?
What are your reasons for wanting to stop?
Have a look through the following link as this will give you a starting point;
You've certainly come to the right place for help and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to getting to know you