Hi fellow quitters - can I just ask - does your breathing improve ? I am off cigs nearly 4 weeks n over past 2 weeks my breathing has disimproved a lot - I am out of breath going up stairs and walking at s brisk pace . Should I get steroids from doc or should I just keep moving and hope breathing improves ?
Breathing difficulties after quitting - Quit Support
Breathing difficulties after quitting

Well done on your quit. Your breathing should get back to normal. Un less you already had breathing problems before you stopped smoking. I have COPD so my breathing won't get any better. Maybe check with your GP if not any better next week. X
How's your COPD going A? I'm finding its good & not so good days. This morning, for eg my breathings laboured but then just realised I used a damned plug-in in my daughters room overnight. I really can't be around those things but couldn't think of another quick way to mask the pong of the pile of unwashed laundry!! Much love, Poll X
Hi polly My COPD is really bad at the moment. I am waiting to see a Immunologist due to low immune system. I plucked up the courage and saw my GP and she has proscribed antidepressants for me. Felling really down at the moment. With all my medical conditions. I started the tablets on Tuesday and have to go back to see the doc in 2 weeks. Thank you for asking take care x
Good morning Polly☕️☕️☕️
Keep up the good work👍🏻 be careful with air fresheners... They are very irritating..
Sending a prayer across the miles from 🇨🇦
Hi 31m3ar, your breathing should improve its just your body trying to get back to how you should be breathing as smoking knocks it out of sync.
I did post a couple of breathing posts or there is some breathing exercises on the pinned posts 😊
If in doubt go and see your doc 😊🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Thank you droopyj I'll check them out

Hi lovely, i really suffered to begin with, i had a bad cough when i gave up smoking and it lasted about 4 weeks and made me really short of breath. However now on week 8 and i can take the deepest breath i have ever been able to take it feels awesome!
Dont give up, keep going and you will definitely start to feel the benefits.

thanks jess that is really great to know
Congrats on a great quit👏👏👏👏
Breathing seems to be a real issue with people who quit... I'm still short of breath climbing stairs but slowly and surely, I'm getting stronger. I guess we really hurt ourselves smoking... Keep doing what you're doing and if you feel worse , see the dr..
Best wishes from 🇨🇦 4:52am xx
Hi arizonasands thank you glad you are getting stronger and thank you for your reply - I've decided to keep moving rather than give in to it so walked today for half hour n though felt like I had run for 30 mins a while later felt better also got some chest Physio so that helped too - if not much improvement by Monday will go to doc though - thank you for your advice

Congrats on your great quit😊 Rozi put up a post about her condition which you might find helpful. Be patient coz it will improve and also be proud coz it's not easy but you're doing it🚭👍🏼😊

Thank you briarwood for your support it really helps to keep going