Good morning everybody
It's a beauty morning again, gives it another sunny day even hotter than yesterday, yerrrrr even down south.
Just to let you all know if you hav'nt looked on yesterdays chat yet, Sue52 posted a comment late lastnight to say that Her Father had pastaway yesterday afternoon. I'm sure that all of our hearts go out to Her and Her family on this sad occasion.
I hope you all keep focused today with it being hot again, like Emjay said yesterday, when you have a cool drink sat in your garden. That happened to me yesterday, got a cool can a lager, sat at the top of the garden, gosh did those cravings start, but i stood, erm well sat my ground should i say, and beat them off. So i am going to do that again today, and the next day, until i've mastered them!!!! Have a goodn everybody.
Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....
However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so.
Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.
Soooo..... chat away!