I find it pretty easy not to smoke in the day or when I'm at home but as soon as I have a drink I want a cigarette. Is there anything I can do to stop this?
Social smoker: I find it pretty easy not to... - Quit Support
Social smoker
Quite often, if you plan a strategy beforehand then you are more likely to be successful in your attempt to quit. Things to think about beforehand are; Do you actually want to stop smoking? Why do you want to stop? If you were out socialising with your friends and there was no alcohol involved, would you still want to smoke? Do you smoke when alone or only with friends?
Once you understand this, then you can start putting your own plan together. Maybe by taking one step at a time. Make a no smoking at home rule for yourself and any other smokers, whether its friends or family. If you can try and get past the first hour of drinking without smoking then you've done well. At least by trying to put off smoking then you will prove to yourself that you can do it and then maybe set your next target for another half an hour away.
If you do end up smoking, then think of all the one's you have managed to miss out and then get back on track and return to not smoking straight away.
Remember, whether you have a cigarette or not, the feeling of wanting one will eventually go away...
Think of the healthier lifestyle you could be leading.