16 days no smoking...but painful/uncomfortable bloating! Anyone else experience this? Hoping this improves, because otherwise I feel pretty darn good about quitting😁
Terrible bloating: 16 days no smoking...but... - Quit Support
Terrible bloating

16 days here too! I don't fit in any of my pants.... feel the same way tho, happy to be smoke free.
Ok, so I'm not the only one lol hopefully when we are a bit further along, we can have some relief🤞
Hi pebbleskk , Well done for your decision to quit👏 and of course for your 2+ smoke free weeks.
Welcome to Quit Support.💙
It’s never easy to quit but it’s easier with a little support.💪
Whichever way you choose we will support you all the way.
I'm afraid feeling bloated is quite a common withdrawal symptom which will get better in time.
Please read the pinned posts,📌 there is lots of information there. You will find the posts to the right or at the bottom of your screen depending which device you are using. Just click “posts” then click “pinned posts”.
May I suggest you drink plenty of water🚰 💧to flush out the toxins and keep yourself hydrated.
If you feel you need any more help please don’t hesitate to ask. There is always someone here.
So for the record your quit date is 7th February? So that we can assign you a winners' badge and add your name to the wall of winners.
May I remind you to close your post, to help keep this site safe and not to post any personal information. Thank you
Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭xx
Hello and welcome pebbleskk, Well done on your 16 days too. I hope both you and Blu are coping well. I will assign you your progress badge ( next to your name)
Also please have a browse through the pinned posts for information.
Look forward to supporting you. XXX

It may be related because nicotine activates intestinal transit. Therefore stopping smoking slows down intestinal transit, which can manifest itself as bloating and constipation, which can both cause abdominal pain due to pressure on the intestinal wall.
Make sure you drink plenty of water (not fizzy) this helps get rid of toxins. Everything will settle down. 👍😊xx

Hi blu
In the past month that I’ve been quit my body has experienced all sorts of crazy withdrawal symptoms. It makes sense. Besides for nicotine, there’s like 7,000 other chemicals that we take in when we smoke & they get into our bloodstream & effect every area of our body. It just takes time for our bodies to flush them all out.
For bloating I would suggest that you make sure you’re drinking enough water, eating enough fiber or fruits & veggies & limit you’re salt & sugar. This should help.
Also read the pinned posts. There is lots of information about the quitting process that you will find helpful. I am always reading as much as I can. Knowledge is power.
Stay close to this forum & just say NOPE everyday - Not One Puff Ever.
Good luck with the bloating. 😁
INVESTIGATE, IF PERSISTANT FOR A MONTH, can range from a withdrawal symptom to more, needs more to be sure..if a woman can be women things related, check nit out with your gp, if a man, can be nothing to a prostate, enlarged...just HAVE NO FEAR. fear has bigger eyes than anything!I suspect a woman, can be hormone orientated, depends if near enough 50-55, then certainly get help with it, patches, or what! don't suffer can lead to depression..
No- I only feel bloated really if I get indigestion - .Well done for feeling good about quitting . keeping continully positive will help you keep it up

Same here.
I am having bloating, small sharp pains and stomach muscle soreness. From what I’ve read and been told, this is all a part of quitting. Your organs and muscles are detoxing and withdrawing. Getting their feeling and full functions back!
I never realized what smoking affects until I quit. Hang in there!

All the chest stuff I was having scared me. So I eventually went to the ER. After 2 pages of blood work, an EKG on my heart and a full chest ex ray, I had absolutely nothing wrong with me in any way!
2 days later I woke up and had no more issues with my chest. Now it’s my stomach and digestive system. So just hang in there and go with the flow. It’ll all pass as soon as your body gets all the poison out and starts healing!!
Thanks gypsysoul! I'm glad everything was good for you at the er.
Hope the indigestion etc issues disappear just as quickly. 🤞definitely not fun, and really makes us wonder if it's something serious? That's how I'm feeling tonight, feel crappy all day at work with swollen, sore belly, and no better at home in evening☹️ still chalking it up to...side effects of quitting smoking for now anyway, afterall it's only been 19 days