Hi have quit almost 128 days and as past couple of days I have been getting really strong cravings, and I almost gave in, I am not vaping or using any nrt, please someone tell me this gets easier xx Rosie
Cravings - 128 days quit -(: Hi have quit... - Quit Support
Cravings - 128 days quit -(

Rosie , your doing really well, Yes it does get easier. When we quit smoking its a weird thing that some people crave for a cigarette straight away, others like you get cravings 4 or even 6 months on. These do pass and as long as you stay focused the cravings will go. I think deep down in our subconscious the habit of smoking never goes, it tends to raise its ugly head now and again. I have stopped for over 5 years now, and in that time there has been may be 2 or 3 times I have thought about smoking. It went as quick as it appeared.
If you look on our pinned posts there is a post related to cravings.
Remember our mantra NOPE! Not One Puff Ever. xx
Thanks Jilly, I do hope it gets easier as I was off them for 5 months before and just lit one up and tbh it tasted horrible, but I continued to smoke..... my father passed away 5 years ago from smoking and he was only 64 and he had tried on numerous occasions to give up and had said the cravings never left him, I hope this isn't gong to be the case with me - NOPE NOPE NOPE xx

Hi Rosie😊
Well done on 128 days. I'm at 5 and a half months and did cold turkey. I does get easier. I try to look at it that I don't want to smoke or go and buy any but have this urge to smoke sometimes. We have to deal with the urge or craving by squashing it to nothing!.
Keep your determination that you had with you in the beginning and keep telling yourself why you've quit. These cravings will disappear if you tell them too. Remember you're not missing out but gaining everything by not smoking.
Have a lovely sunny, smokefree day!.
Angie xx
Hi Angie, thanks for your kind words, just feel as though I am really struggling at the min and I am also afraid of giving in to the cravings, Friday past was the first time I had thought about going to the shop to buy a packet, but I have to stay strong as I don't think I could see my daughters face's if they saw me smoke again, I think it would break their hearts xx
My Mum died nearly 3 years ago. Not from smoking but had she not had breast cancer it would have been smoking related eventually, she was 69. My two sisters and I have tried to quit on numerous occasions. I'm the only one who has stuck at it this long.... be the one who can do it Rosie,for your daughters. They want their Mum healthy and happy.❤️❤️😘. I'm sorry you've lost your Dad. It's a such a huge miss when our parents have gone.❤️❤️❤️
Hi Rosie, well done on your 128 days of quit. I'd like to reiterate what Jillygirl has said, where cravings can occur at anytime within the first 6 months or more.
I never had any cravings for the first 4 months because of severe lung pain (now gone by the way), but in the last few days I have had a craving or two but that feeling soon went away, and esp' if you occupy yourself with something else.
These cravings I had sort of made me feel hungry although I had just eaten, and it felt as if some other hunger needed to be satiated.
Couldn't and wouldn't give in and it soon passed.
Most ex-smokers I have spoken to have said that they all get cravings from time to time, even though they may have quit several years ago, but you just sit it out and it wiil go away they said.
My very best.

Rose you can do this.
I was one of those people who said cancer would never happen to me.
Well it did and now i only have 1 lung to prove it.
Thats why i feel if i can help people to quit it is all worthwhile.
So stay strong.☺xxxx
4 months cold turkey is a massive achievement and you must be so pleased.
I've been smoke free for two and half years this is my longest quit ever, I do still get cravings sometimes they are stronger than others however they are not as bad as they were in the beginning. They also don't last long at all not even a minute !! So keep with it you're doing Fantastic 😘😘