I had my last cigarette last night before bed. I have made almost 24 hours and it's not quite as bad as I thought. It's not fun, but I think I used a terrifying image of undoableness to enable me to continue. I am using a vape with 18 mgs of nicotine and I know that's helping. I really am ready to quit.
End of day one: I had my last cigarette last... - Quit Support
End of day one

Hi akatinamarie and a warm welcome to quit support.
That is awesome that you have almost made it through day 1 of many more as a non smoker. Do have a look around the site, especially the pinned posts as there is a wealth of information.
We have a little saying around here NOPE - Not One Puff Ever.. Tattoo this in your head as it truly helps on the tough days.
Stay strong and determined and you will succeed
Good luck
Well. Great start. I suggest you take it one day at a time. Stick with us and use the invaluable tips in the Pinned Posts here. Say Goodbye to that evil Mr Nic.
Hi akatinamarie , and Welcome to our lovely quit support community 😄 Well Done on getting through day 1 👍👏 😊 toughest day out the way. It can be a bumpy road and emotional rollercoaster, but does get easier , and doable 😊 Take one at a time, stay focused and positive. We are here for you, just shout out if you need help. Do have a read of the pinned posts some useful information to help you
Lovely to have you join us
I am hoping today is not worse! I have a 3 day weekend, seemed like a good starting time to have the first 72 hours at home without work stress.

Hi , the first few weeks can be the hardest , good days and bad. We are all different on our quit journey. Sounds good to me quitting while off. Stay strong , especially when you return to work. It is doable, and remember we are here for you 😊
Celticsandy. It's nice to enjoy Sunday well done😋 24 hours smoke free I am not as good I had 2 cigs in 24 hours but using vape this is the first day I am breathing ok. Had plursay last 3 weeks which is why I stopped smoking can feel good effect..I so want to be a non smoker. I am starting again wish me luck
Hi Celticsandy, and Welcome. Well done on starting to cut down. You sound determined, and that is the key to success. Have a read of making a smoking quit plan in pinned post. When your ready set yourself a date. We are here to support you, so stay close and shout out if you need help
Keep us posted
Good Luck you can do this
Maddy 😊
Aup Celticsandy and a big warm welcome to our quit support family
As our lovely Maddy has said, you sound really determined to quit and this is what you need, DETERMINATION
soooo, your half way there gal
Rite Sandy, you say you've had 2 cigs in 24 hours, to which is just flippin ACE
and am loving it
Sooo, we got ta get rid of these 2 or so cigs eh
What I would like you to do Sandy, is to keep a log of WHEN you feel the NEED to smoke
Write the time down, what are you doing ? where are you ? who are you with ? etc
I ask you to do this, cos normally there becomes a pattern to why you want these cigs
Then we have something to work on, to help you get rid of them, if you see what I mean
I wish you all the luck in the World Sandy
Welcome akatinamarie😊
Every day is another victory when we don't light up.. just think of how much your body is healing👏👏👏 Good going!!! We're here for ya every step of the way🌹
I'm trying to remind myself of the benefits. I enjoyed smoking, but don't want to have health issues. My father quit when he was in his mid 50s, and it was not soon enough to avoid COPD and oxygen tanks. That should have scared me enough. I'm 42 now. I have found the past few years telling myself how I needed to quit, should quit, etc but never did. No time will ever be the right time so I just have to throw myself into it and not look back. So far I have pretty strong cravings, but the vape does help. Lightheadness I remind me is oxygen my body needs. I'm glad you're all here. Helps that others have been through this and are succeeding.
Hi Akatinamarie, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support family
Ha ha ha I know just what you mean, as I was like that I used to say that I will quit tomorrow
BUT, tomorrow just never comes does it
so, like you, I had to kick me own ass and goooooo for it
Ok, it took a few attempts BUT I got there in the flippin end
am now over 2 years quit
and just flippin looooooving it
Yes AK, as for your lightheartedness, this is cos your brain and body are getting the Oxygen that you should have been getting years agoo and this is why your feeling a bit fuzzy headed eh
but this should soon pass and get back to normal
Although you are vaping with nicotine to help you there are also 4.000 other toxins in a cigarette to which at least 3 are highly addictive
soooo, this is why it is still hard for us to quit even when we are using some form of NRT to help us
This first week will be the hardest, normally the 3rd and 4th day cos by then ya got rid of the other toxins in your body and your brain will be shouting out, OYYY I WANT TOXINS !!!!! Please try and drink plenty of water and exercise if you can, this will help get rid of all the flippin crap in your body
Please, please stay close to us and you just shout out if ya need any sort of help and we will try to help you
Please have a good nosey around cos there's lots of help and advice on here
Good luck AK and flippin gooooo for it
Thank you!

I quit using vaping 8 - almost 9 - months ago now. I did tons of googling about the benefits of vaping and this forum was fantastic. I have zero willpower but made it and am SOOOO proud of myself - as you will be if you stick with it. Honestly, the thought of inhaling smoke now makes me feel sick and I actually feel sorry for smokers I see when out and about (not to mention the guilt I feel for putting innocent bystanders through the horrible strench!). If you want some e-cig recommendations, feel free to email me. I think a decent e-cig plus vape can make the difference between sticking with it and going back to the dreaded baccie. kerryjess@aol.com
Thank you! I have been told by one friend that it's not different, but have to feel it's an improvement. I don't want to vape forever, but if I need it to get by it's what I'm going to do. Today has been hard.
AK, It IS DIFFERENT !!!! cos now your only getting nicotine into your system and NOT ALLLLLLL those other toxins that come with cigs
I would suggest to you AK, to please ask your friend, I dont know how gooder friend he or she is BUT please just ask them to google - whats in a cigarette !!!!!
Now AK, you stay strong and remember the WHY's you want to quit and remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever
Please, please remember these
Thanks Pete. Still hanging on, almost 48 hours!!! I keep reminding myself of why I am doing it and that it will get better. I appreciate your support.