I am a wreck right now, nasal congestion and I'm sure it has to deal with quitting, I am just worried it's COPD or Lung Cancer or something bad (feels like I can't breath) but I think maybe it's because I am focusing on it.... Tried seeing if anyone else has this at 5 weeks after quitting, just is miserable and I posted already about this and got a answer and thank you for the answer but they didn't say if it was normal at 5 weeks quit.... My anxiety is in high gear, trying to think happy thoughts but its not easy..... Anyways I love you all and missed you all..... I had a good weekend went back to my girlfriends place but today I'm just done......
My anxiety is up a few notches because of thi... - Quit Support
My anxiety is up a few notches because of this nasal congestion

Had this for a long time an still occasionally get it, I take a anti histamine every day, helps me, but go get checked out by the doc or nurse, I did, just to rule out the nasty stuff, hope you feel better soon
Glad to hear you have been seeing your GF again 😊 She definitely seems to help you 😊😊
I sent you a response on your other post😊👍
hi AAG, yes I think this is normal five weeks or even five months in your quit. Some side effects last for a long time. And it is causing ur anxiety to worsen which will always make things seem worse. Good that ur spending time with your girlfriend hopefully she is reasuring you. You're doing brilliantly with ur quit time to start feeling pleased and proud. 😀

Hi AAG, Try not to worry too much, I think a lot of the problem is your too focused on the side effects of stopping smoking. Any doubts you may have just have a word with your G.P. and put your mind at rest. As for lung cancer I very much doubt if that is your problem , I have had lung cancer and my problem was a bad cough. I didnt know I had cancer until it was spotted on an x ray.
Your shortness of breath is probably still the effects of stopping smoking. Getting rid of mucus and clearing your lungs . Like I said it might be worth a visit to your doctor.
Take care. xxx
It sounds like your sinuses are clearing out. This is a good sign. Nasal sprays can take up to 2 weeks to kick in and not be used long term . However as others have said a quick visit to your ENT doctor should give you a reassuring answer. It is very common and just another side effect that we have to enjoy!!! Keep strong and focused. Steaming is brilliant too or a v. Hot shower.... not sure what your weather is like where you are. Currently v cold in UK so a hot shower is most welcome.

Update, I finally coughed up my first nasty stuff this morning.... Not sure if that means this is about to start coming out more but made me feel a little bit better now......
I been debating about taking mucinex to help this process.... Not sure... Haven't coughed since this morning when that first piece came up.... I hope more comes up here soon rather than later.....
Hi AAG--Mucinex may help--Ive heard of people taking it--Don't get scared--Many people go thru this clearing out of lungs--It is more than likely just part of detoxifying --Funny how frightened we get over these quit symptoms and we gambled many times a day with those killer smokes--Try to relax--you are going to be ok--You aren't going to be punished because you smoked --If you are to anxious go to Dr and take breathing tests--Some people need that reassurance too--All part of the journey--XX MmeT
Thanks.... I've heard yes and no on mucinex so I'm not sure yet.....
I never coughed up anything--got sick like a cold right after quit--and still get periodical wheezing --I bet it gets better in a few weeks at most--MmeT
I hope so, no weezing or cough, just this one incident.... My nasal sinus are clogged as well, my mom said that it's cleaning and the hairs are coming back to life and pushing this stuff up.
I was worried about COPD, but my mom who is a RN said 30 year old male, 13 year smoker pack a day, still not enough and she's never seen it being a nurse for 40 years... She said calm down, rest, drink water, the real nasty part is about to begin....
Hi again--Im a nurse too--not RN though LPN--anyway--yes a lot of changes to come--It surprised me how little info is out there about how this all works--The panic,the breathing,the to much sleep,not enough,nightmares,crying, coughing,wheezing,etc etc--Just a bunch of nastiness--They make it sound like it lasts for a week and it is over--6 months here and im still watching my mind and body go thru smoking related quit symptoms--It is not for the fainthearted that's for sure--Hugs,MmeT
Isn't that the truth, I been prescribed Paxil but I'm afraid to take it..... I heard horror stories about it but also read great things, wonder if I start would I feel better in two weeks...
I vowed to defeat anxiety without meds but I'm starting to give in, this battle just drains you and the meds are right infront of my face.
Hi. I know your reply here is over two years old but I am on Day 27 of my quit and have gotten worse nearly every day since---panic, short of breath, wheezing, coughing that is not very productive, swollen sinuses, a never-ending parade of over the counter, prescription, and herbal "remedies". I am absolutely exhausted and wishing I could cry my head off. The doc has said just keep taking Mucinex. My co-worker once worked in an ER for 25 years and says it's just anxiety. I am at my wit's end and convinced I am going to die soon. BUT. I won't smoke and I keep coming in to work and I keep going on. It's the hardest thing I've ever done.
Hang in there NouveauDruid☀️
You’ve persevered this long.
I had muscle aches and fatigue
I never coughed up which has been worrisome but people on site reassured me that is common too.
This is quite the journey
I guess quitting any addiction is.
Hope your day is good to you
Your kind response helps. The feeling of being alone in this would be too much to bear because I'm also going through menopause. Over the past year and a half I have been eating much better (lost 22 lbs I needed to lose), but exercise stopped a few months ago due to the extreme humidity here. Then, I got pneumonia in June after an under-medicated tonsillitis diagnosis. I had quit smoking just days before. After many tests and doctor visits I continue on, feeling scared, exhausted, and yet determined. Yes, I'm being wordy here but I feel like a bunch of junk needs to come out both physically AND mentally!
Hello ND--It sounds like you are suffering some after affects from smoking--Unfortunately sometimes these things surface AFTER we quit as they did with me--Not to say I didnt have some shortness of breath before quitting b ut nothing like now(02 24/7) You need to see a pulmonary Dr if this worsens or continues because they have a better understanding of the after effects of smoking and how to treat it ....It isnt unusual to be uncomfortable at the stage you are at.Of course there is some anxiety involved--but it should lesson with time . Do you have a dx of chronic anxiety??? Anxiety does not cause wheezing,coughing and some of symptoms you mention -Only you know how you feel and you need to search to get answers as to what is going on so you can get on with your life... I urge you to do this..You may not like what you hear but it is far better than the suffering what you are enduring not to mention the not knowing..I still have my GP but i have a pulmonologist,and a cardiologist--I will help and encourage you all I can by way of site but you must do the footwork.. and get yourself to a knowledgeable lung physician if you dont begin to feel better in the days or weeks ahead...They will do a through exam and breathing tests--and give you some much needed answers.I will be 3 years smoke free in November-It has brought a lot to my life both good and well,, not bad ,but tough things to face ---but I am alive--and thankful...and you can be too--Your anxiety level will definitely go down-As soon as I found out what exactly I was dealing with the panic attacks quit and anxiety lessoned..I do understand how awful that anxiety is, but you are not alone. I passed it on my journey too....You hang in there--and dont be afraid--You have come this far--Its a brave new world now--Get going--Chin up and straight ahead-Thank you for writting....-Sincerely--MmeT p.s.It is up to you how long you wait to see a professional--but dont wait to long especially with the shortness of breath..
Aup Guy yeah hopefully its time for your lungs to clear them selves out
Ermmm, am not quite sure what mucinex is but if your body has decided to start cleaning itself, then you wont need any of that
Guy, try to think, did you do anything different yesterday to perhaps bring this on
did you exercise more ? did you walk more ? etc ? try to find out why you coughed up
I know its not very nice
but it will help you
Mucinex breaks down mucus built up in your wind pipe and lungs, I figure it might help jar some of this stuff lose.......
I walked from my car to the doctors office, was all, about a block. Not sure why it happened but I won't lie, I like knowing it's coming out. I want more of it to come out.

I suggest visiting your Primary MD. I had a lot of congestion for a little over a year. She suggested nasal irrigation, which sounds disgusting, but really isn't and most importantly worked. I thought I was dying from COPD but was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, which is now gone. The congestion really helped me not go back to smoking. Stay hydrated. I drink about 80 cc's of water a day. Good luck! 🐷