Ok almost to 6 weeks after quitting smoking which I previously stated the issues I had after quitting. Well I managed to get strep throat last week and got antibiotics and then got better. Now this week ive had pneumonia all week. Is this normal to just fall apart after the fact geesh.
More issues after quitting smoking. - Quit Support
More issues after quitting smoking.

Aup Jarhead,
What the flippin eck are we going to do with you eh ?? Am just wondering if your wallet is any better off now you've quit ??
A massive well done to you for sticking to your quit especially at this hard time
Pal, we are all different and suffer with numerous aches and pains etc, but I dont think I recall anybody else suffering of as many things as you have But like I say, we are all different !!
Hopefully, soon your body will get used to being without nicotine and settle down
You take care of yourself now J speak soon
Yeah i think I just got hit hard and not using anything to help slowly take cravings. From what one doctor told me a few weeks ago he said I was perfectly heathly but my lungs and body are prone to getting sick due to all the new skin linings and adjustments to my body. So I just guess I got body slammed because every other test ive had says im as healthy as you come and will just feel like crap for some time. Oh well I wont go back too stubborn of a Marine for that. Just hope this all passes soon

gday mate .yeah i think it depends if ya heavy smoker. but my body fell apart in first 12 weeks. 2 ear infection throat and sinuses through the roof dizzines ect ect.so yeah hang in .there. and i was using nrt as well
Hi Jarhead, sounds like you've been very unlucky health-wise since you quit. I too quit cold turkey, I always knew it was the only way I'd quit. I guess your body is a bit low at the moment so you're very vulnerable to all the bugs going around at this time of year. Hang in there and you'll soon reap all the benefits of quitting. Andi
Thanks for all the support. Today feeling much better. Only thing left that seems to bother me is the stomach bloat even if I eat a little bit. I go from a flat stomach to my stomach swelling to the point it hurts. Going to try and look for supplements to help with digestion as I think it has really slowed down. The no smoking and stopped drinking coffee has slowed all that digestion to a halt it seems.
Hi jarhead, you need to try something with ginger in it, either ginger tea or even ginger ale may help with the digestive system, certainly worth a try, we are all different, I get really bad headaches and can only eat small meals and certainly nothing creamy and again coffee, seems it's a trigger for most people, they go off it once they quit, had a really dry cough for the lat eight weeks assumed through giving up smoking but have read all the meds I am on and it seems side effects from two of the tablets are dry tickly coughs so off to docs next wek to check that out stick with it, I am almost at nine weeks not feeling much better although friends say my skin looks better and my gums have now stopped bleeding, ulcers have gone too so perhaps things are settling down now, all the very best to you x
Thanks been on ginger tablets a couple times a day for a few weeks and seems to help some but certain foods really set the bloat off and sometimes just bloats for no reason when not even eating. Went to vitamin store and trying digestive enzymes and actual real licorice tablets to see if this all will help with my stomach. If not ill be back at doctor this week to try to see a gastro specialist.
Weird! I quit smoking 3 weeks ago and about a week and a half ago I got strep and took antibiotics and now I have mono and pneumonia. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with quitting but my story matches yours.