Hi all. I haven't had a cigarette since 11 February. I must admit that of the 10 or so that I used to smoke per day I do still miss 2- 3 of them. I was told I have mild copd in February so really I have quit cos I'm scared and for no other reason. I also smoked a joint most nights so have stopped that too. Finding it tough but as I said I'm scared to carry on. I'm 48 and smoked since I was 15. Using an ecig and nicorette spray for the cravings. W orst things so far are feeling a bit depressed and the lack of sleep!!. Anyway good luck to everybody and I feel your pain. X
New to this forum. : Hi all. I haven't had a... - Quit Support
New to this forum.

Hi Andy and welcome to quit support😊
Well done on your quit and you know you're doing the best thing for your health. Remember this even when things get tough. What you're feeling at the moment is all pretty normal unfortunately☹️
Have a read of the pinned posts as it will help you understand the changes you're going through. Good luck and NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭
Hi Andy, well done on your quit nearly a month now. It's normal to feel a bit low and depressed and it messes up your sleep. Good u got some NRT to help you through it. The first month is the most difficult so congrats on nearly getting through it 😀

Thanks Andrew much appreciated
Hi Andy well done in quiting. I too have copd stopping smoking will slow down the progression of this disease and hopefully you won't get any worse And live a normal life remember to try and stay away from smoky places eat healthy and exercise take care x

Hi Andy and welcome to quit support
Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking
what you are feeling is very common both with the feeling down and sleep deprived. Hang there as these feelings do pass
our bodies need some time to adjust after we quit smoking..You can look forward to the healthier version of yourself
All the very best on your quit journey
I felt like you do when I first quit I am using an ecig the not sleeping doesn't last as I now sleep like a baby I never slept that well when I was smoking.I also packed because I was scared been smoking since I was 16 I'm now 54 the doc wanted to do a test for copd I didn't go because I didn't want to know and I gave up smoking the very next day it isn't easy but you just take it one day at a time take in deep breaths when you want a fag and read the posts on this site I also read the ones on the blf site to because it really does help to keep you on the straight and narrow you can do this you just have to take it steady I can't believe I'm where I am now it will be worth although there isn't a cure for copd you can stop it getting worse by giving up so good luck to you

Thanks for your reply Sir. Much appreciated. I'm lucky in that I was told I have mild COPD . So as long as I keep of the smokes I should be relatively OK. That will have to be my incentive to stay smoke free. I must admit that although it's been tough my main problem is currently lack of sleep and anxiety. Need to keep things in perspective and realise things could be a lot worse. I'll definitely be checking n on this site for support and to offer my own bits and pieces as and when. Thanks again and good luck to you too.
Hiya Andy and welcome 😊 You picked a great day to give up (my birthday) so I will expect a card next year👍😊
You are having a double whammy, cigs and weed at the same time so you are doing amazingly well. The side effects are pretty crap but in order to slow down your copd, you know you got to stick with it hun ...... It's definitely the very best thing you can do for your health and nearly a month too 😊😊
Keep up the good work and remember NOPE... Not One Puff Ever 🚭🚭🚭🍀🍀🍀

Well done 👏🏻👏🏻 like you say you have to stop my dad has copd as soon as he was told he gave up and smoked for over 50 years ,I don't want to end up being unable breath after a short walk or on puffers to help me breath Like my dad if they catch it early you can stop it getting worse by giving up the smoking .so keep going

Hi ya Andyrandy a big warm welcome to our quit support community and a big WHOOP WHOOP to you for reaching 3 weeks quit
I see you've had lots of reply' s and great advice from some of our lovely members Please take some time to go through some of the Pinned Posts and Topics, cos there's loads of helpful goodies in them
Andy, if you need any help or just need a chat, please feel free to come a shouting eh
Hope to speak soon, Pete