Just to say I have been reading the site each day and it really helps. Thank you all for the positive and interesting messages you post. Certainly helps keep me thinking straight.
So yes, one week of cold turkey done. I feel good!
All the best
Just to say I have been reading the site each day and it really helps. Thank you all for the positive and interesting messages you post. Certainly helps keep me thinking straight.
So yes, one week of cold turkey done. I feel good!
All the best
Yeah 1st week over and that's fantastic, so well done Nick👏🏼
Keep up the great quit you have there and be very proud, coz I'm proud of you👍🏼😊x
Well done Nick, getting through the first week can be tough and you have done it 😊😊😊👍👍👍🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭
Aup nick, thats flippin fantastic pal
am sooo glad you've got back to it and are on the road to FREEDOM again
You stay strong now and just remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever and you wont go wrong
Well done Nick, great achievement. Keep going on like this and the days turn into weeks, the weeks turn into months and soon you won't be thinking about smoking.
One week cold turkey is a terrific start!