Stopped smoking 2 days now cold turkey as well. I've quit a few times before but more determined this time. Obvious cravings are coming in like mad but I'm also experiencing dizziness which I've never had before. Anyone else had this happen??
2 days in: Stopped smoking 2 days now cold... - Quit Support
2 days in

Hi there, well done on your 2 days of being smoke free. Cold turkey is the better option if you can manage it as you don`t have to wean yourself off nicotine later on. I had dizzy feelings for the first ten days or so and also tightness in my chest and other symptoms too, but it gets better after the first 2 weeks onwards. Keep up the good work!!!

Hi Andyoct1983, a big warm welcome to our quit support community and well done on your 2 days quit and cold turkey too
as always I take my hat off to you, cos I know that I could never have done it that way
As Cazzybaz5 has said dizziness is a very common symptom of quitting the cigs, especially when going it cold turkey
Try to drink plenty of water, this will help your body to clean all those toxins out and sipping a glass of water may help with the cravings too
Keep your mind occupied, get doing something, exercise is great for you, especially in the early part of your quit
If you have a look to the right of your post, you will see Pinned Posts & Topics, have a nosey through them, cos there's loads of help and advice there
NOPE, Not One Puff Ever

Hi Andy and a big warm welcome to quit support
I too quit cold turkey and had dizziness and feeling light headed in those early days. It passed very quickly so please don't despair
Your body is going through a massive amount of change. Not just the nicotine, but it is not also receiving all the other 4000+ nasty chemicals found in cigarettes.
For me the first two weeks were the toughest - get through them and theother symptoms of recovery become a lot more manageable
Try and work on you meant attitude as this will really help with cravings etc. turn any negative thinking into positive thoughts. eg, I am not sure i can do am so going to win and the craving wont get me because i am stronger than them :D.
Honestly, looking back having a strong desire to quit and a commitment to match it the rest was ok as i seen it purely seen it as my body bouncing back from 40 years of smoking 30 a day

The dizziness is coming and going cravings are passing pretty easy, doing much better today though 72hrs without a fag cold turkey as well so I'm happy just for that and feel much better for it. So happy I found this site as I'm glad to know I'm not the only one going through this even cold turkey 😃
You are doing awesome Andy
Keep up the great quit and keep this site nice and close..cos we are all here to support you any way we can
:)..just knowing we are all on same journey does make it easier cos we understand how tough it can get