I quit 3 weeks ago. I get palpitations which I've had before I quit. Had ecg and blood tests, all results were normally. I sometimes get little niggling pains that move around between my back, stomach and chest. Seen doctor who says it's because I've stopped smoking and it will pass. Just wondered if anyone else experienced this.
Withdrawal pains : I quit 3 weeks ago. I get... - Quit Support
Withdrawal pains

Hiya boydyk, welcome to this friendly bunch of quitters 😆 firstly well done, 3 weeks is fantastic.... 😆
We are all different and are symptoms when we quit can all be different too..... our body has to get used to not taking in over 4000+ toxins so it does it in often what feels like really strange ways....maybe this is yours.....
this is not smoking related but may help you..... for a couple of years I kept getting pain around my chest, this pain was crippling however I always knew i was going to get it because the top of my ears always hurt.... the GP laughed at me (in a nice way) and said it was impossible because there is no connection between the two areas....it turned out I had gallstones... the reason why I am telling you this is it's quite possible that, like me, you too are getting odd side effects due to not smoking..... our bodies do some strange things to us...😃 I had my stones out so you just need to stay quit and the effects will go...😆😆😆😆😆
So keep up with the great quit as your almost at your first month 😃🌼🌼

Hi Boydyk, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support site and a great big well done to you for making it to 3 weeks quit
If you could please let me know your actual quit date, then I can add you to the Wall of Winners and assign a Winners badge to you
Rite, now then the palpitations, you say you had them before you quit, the chest pains are common when you first quit and maybe the stomach pains too, cos your bowls get a bit mixed up to start with
as for the back pain, am not sure about
I will have a dig around and see if I can find anything
If you look to the right of your post, you will see TOPICS, have a look through them
Boydyk, you just remember NOPE, Not One Puff Ever
Hi monky, I quit on 23rd June. Best thing I ever did even though it may not feel like it some days. The pains sometimes feel more muscular and wondered if just tension. Need to learn to relax.
Thanks for the support. Loving the information I'm finding on here. Great to know I'm not alone

Hi boydyk and welcome to quit support,
Like the others have said, our bodies does some strange things when we quit, and pain and tightness through the chest is a very common symptom.
Just keep an eye on it and if it gets worse, go back to your GP👍👍

Hiya Boyd and welcome to quit support😊
You're never alone here as there's always someone around to help😉
These side effects will pass so hang on there and you'll notice the benefits and 3 weeks is terrific, so well done to you👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼x

I get palpations and bit of anxiety in my tummy quite regular it's prob just my body clearing out the nasty.s xx