I just marked my one week quit today and I am so tempted to go and buy cigarettes. The withdrawal is getting worse instead of better. Can anyone help with this.
Withdrawal symptoms : I just marked my one week... - Quit Support
Withdrawal symptoms

Hi Sophia. Well done for your decision to quit and of course for your 1st smokefree week.👏
Welcome to Quit Support.💙
Quitting is never easy but it's easier with a little support.💪
When we quit we have to learn how to deal with withdrawal symptoms.
I suggest you have a look at the pinned posts,📌 there's lots of tips there.
Try to remember the 4 D's. Delay, Drink water,down a tall glass of water slowly, Deap breathing, Do something, do anything, go for a walk, run up and down stairs,phone a friend.
Please let us know the exact date of your quit so that we can assign a winners' badge and update our data base.
If you feel you need anymore help or even just a shoulder to lean on, please don't hesitate to ask. There's always someone here. Here's a link which may help.
Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭
Hi Sophia,
Welcome to Quit Support, your friendly community whos members have been on or even still on that journey that you have wisely decided to take👏👏👏👏 well done Sophia!
A few suggestions for you, check out our community Pinned Posts, you will find them to the right of this page or at the bottom, depending on which device you are using, you may find useful hints and suggestions there to help you on your quit journey.
Drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your body. Have healthy snacks and fresh fruit handy to help instead of having a cigarette, change your routine, take up a hobby where your hands are busy, perhaps a colouring book and coloured pencils, it help you through the hands to mouth that you get when smoking a cigarette.
I personally used Mint sweets instead of smoking a cigarette, pop a mint in your mouth and suck it, dont chew it, it has to last as long as it would take to have a cigarette.
Write out a list of your reasons for quitting, pin it up somewhere in your home, so you can see it every time that you pass it.
Come on the community every day, introduce yourself, join in the chat, we are all equal in the Quit Support community, no one will judge you, nor critisize you Sophia, we like to upload music, poetry, or whatever..... anything to keep us occupied...... but more importantly...... we like to laugh!
You may think we are silly buggers at times, but hey, that who we are, so come along and enjoy the company, you will find plenty of friends here to encourage and support you!
Our community mantra is NOPE(Not One Puff Ever)
Wishing you good fortune on your quit journey.
😀🌞👍😘🌹🚭 NOPE! Xx

Hello Sophia, and welcome to Quit Support.
Well done on deciding to quit smoking. Its not easy, however it
Is achievable ,and we will help and support you all the way on your quit Journey.
We have a lot of information in the pinned posts and topics sections.
If you cant find what you require , just shout and we will be here , ready to support you.
We do remind new members NOT to give any personal details out i.e. email addresses,
Phone numbers, or personal pictures. (If in doubt leave it out).
I have assigned you your progress badge and also added your name to our wall of winners.
Look forward to supporting you. 😊
Hi Sophia an welcome!
Firstly huge congratulations on your first week quit 👏👏👏👏
Secondly nooooooo don’t go out and get cigarettes, you’ve lasted a whole week!!! Quitting smoking is probably the hardest thing you will ever do, the urge to smoke can be massive but you can do this 👍
I promise it will get easier and it’s the best thing for your health. Why don’t you treat yourself to something with the money you’ve saved this week. I used to save my cigarette money and the first year paid for a fabulous holiday to Vietnam!! Others on here have bought a car, family holiday, new kitchen etc.... the money we burn (literally) through smoking is outrageous. For what? A greater chance of getting a life changing illness.... better to quit and start making new memories 👍
You’ve got this and we are here to support you, every one of us has been where you are now!
Good luck 🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭

Its suppose to get worse this means, the nicotine is almost completely out. And the brain & body to trying to regulate itself without the nicotine which is a stimulant.

Hi Sophia and welcome to Quit Support🤗
Lots of good advice already so I’ll just say hang in there for better days ahead. It really will be worth it🚭✅💕xx