We have all seen them, from images of cancerous lungs, to people appearing uncool and those targeted directly at men! One I found funny depicted a group of men smoking while eying up a young woman, all of a sudden their cigarettes went floppy a reference to smoking influence on male sexual virility and impotence.
There have been so many over the years.
Do people here feel that adverts like these directly influence people "After seeing that ad, I'm going to stop!" or do you think that they serve to keep the idea that "I shouldn't really be doing this" bubble away in our minds until something else prompts us to take action.
Many of the adverts make you feel uncomfortable, that is the point. But I wonder if the lighter ones are more effective as we are inclined to suppress unpleasant thoughts/memories.
Does anyone have an ad in ind which greatly influenced them? A favorite which they find humorous?
This is one which challenges a type of smoker I was for a few points in my life: