Going Crazy for a hit!: Just over a week and... - Quit Support

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Going Crazy for a hit!

Bluejeans profile image
Bluejeans11 Month Winner
12 Replies

Just over a week and today I am so obsessed I thought about digging thru the garbage for a butt a visitor may or may not have left. Is that sick or what!

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Bluejeans profile image
11 Month Winner
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12 Replies
glolin profile image

Hi blue jeans,

No, it's not sick at all, the first few days are easier as we have tha strong sense of determination. It is perfectly normal to get some strong cravings after these early days.

Are you using any NRT, as this could be helpful for you in these early weeks as your body adjusts to not having all the chemicals from cigarettes.

Try and stay strong, remind yourself of why you want to quit, drink plenty of water as this helps flush out the toxins, try some breathing exercises (found under the topics headings) .

You are doing very well and keep up the great work😊😊

Bluejeans profile image
Bluejeans11 Month Winner in reply to glolin

Thank you Glo. Not using NRT's. That is still taking nicotine . I have tried inhalers, gum, the patch and Wellbutrin. Never got farther than two or three days so this time I am saving a lot of money and quitting, period.

We probably do better not talking about it at all, but the people here at HealthUnlocked are interesting and fun to talk to.


glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Bluejeans

Quitting cold turkey does take a lot of determination and self belief. I quit cold turkey after 40 years of smoking 30 a day.

It's turning those negative thoughts into positives. Eg instead of I want a smoke, tell yourself how great it is being a non smoker. We really do have to out think the strong urges.

Like briar said, it does get a whole lot easier😊😊😀😀 it may not seem it at the moment, but it does.

I found coming on here a great distraction in my evenings as that was the time of the day that I found the hardest.

You are going really well Teresa please try and hang in there,😀😀

Briarwood profile image

Hiya Bluejeans, no it's not sick at all but unfortunately that's the grip that nicotine has over us. You are doing absolutely brilliant and stay strong as it will pass. As time goes on it really does get easier. I had been quit a while and like you, had been obsessing about a smoke and all that day, it's all I could think of 😰 I really had to talk myself out of it and keep saying no no no, I'm not going back coz then I'd have to start all over again. Hang in there, distract yourself and you'll get through it. Be proud of what you have achieved, well done 😃 x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Teresa, I see you've had some great advice already :) and as Linda and Briar have said, its not sick :) I think we all go through a time like this :o

Try to keep yourself busy, your mind busy :) when you get times like this, stop what your doing if you can and have a change, go into another room, do something different, go for a brisk walk, try one of Emjay's breathing exercises, go flippin thump a cushion, have a snack, have a good scream, if there's nobody there to hear you :D All these little things can help you to get through that tough time :)

Just wondering Teresa, if you have a quit smoking app for your mobile, cos these help too :) maybe put the money your saving into a jar and watch it grow :) write out a list of WHY's you want to quit sooooo, you can keep reminding yourself why your doing this :)

Your doing ever soo well :) you hold your head up high and be proud of your achievements, cos its no easy task, this quitting lark, I tell ya :o

Take care now, Pete :)

glolin profile image

Below is the link to Allen Carrs easy way to quit smoking. I read this book about a month after i quit - It is not the best written book but it does help you see smoking from a whole different prospective. There has been a few of our members have quit as a result of his book.

It still is going to take that self-belief, You can do this and we are here to help in any way we can.. :) :)


roneo profile image
roneoThe legend

Hang in there Teresa.

The first few days are relatively easy for the "cold turkey" quitter as we still have some residual nicotine in our system. Once our body is completely depleted of nicotine the withdrawal symptoms are at their height. One more week of "obsessing" & you'll find things much easier to handle. From then on the 40+ year habit will be the only obstacle left to overcome. At this point, you have the power within you to either magnify or minimise the effect that nicotine withdrawal may have on you. It will only be as tough as you allow it to be.

gautama5 profile image
gautama54 MONTH WINNER

Yes really sad. Read this:

Here is my favorite site and this discusses your lungs healing and addiction:

Joel has free videos and free PDF books.

I read and watched everything he had on his site and then quit cold turkey.

It's proven to be the most successful long term method but it's not fr everyone.

You really quit quit quit when you go cold turkey!!!!

Cravings to smoke are not signs of impending failure, they are signs that you are healing from both the physical addiction you have to nicotine and the psychological associations you have with smoking as well.

Keep your eye on the prize and do the work it takes to get the monkey that nicotine addiction is off of your back.

The rewards are outstanding and you'll love the person you become without the chains of this killer habit weighing you down.

No way to stop thinking about them so accept that but you can start laughing at how hard your ego is trying to talk you into smoking.

You control your present moment actions but you can't control your thoughts. Thoughts can create feelings just like going through real moments but real moments are not our thoughts.

Every time you think of stopping just stop and say to yourself what an assume job you did for yourself and family! You are now a non smoker!

Not one puff ever NOPE

Never take another puff NTAP

Get angry with how we were tricked into consuming poison that was physically addictive and is now psychologically additive as our brain rewired and adds extra dopamine receptors.

Over time those receptors start to disappear but that can and will take over four months so hang in there!

This is kind of like breaking up with someone you have been dating and having great sex with but you know you gotta break it off as the whole thing is unhealthy mentally for your mind and soul.

Cigarettes are like a person you wish you never slept with. Don't let those cigarettes or any nicotine product back into your life again.

It does get easier.

Joel has free videos and free PDF books as well.

Look for Joel's take on Dopomine receptors. Google smoking and dopamine receptors and study your enemy and take all those obsessive smoking thoughts and hug them and love them and laugh them away as its a sign you are letting go.

One thing, how often do you think of people you dated in the past? You will forget cigarettes eventually and be on guard when they spring up out of the blue like the thought of someone you used to know.

Time heals all wounds and you are dealing with loss and a large gapping wound that will eventually get better and fade from your memory.

I'm on Month 5 not smoking and I have gone over two days sometimes without thinking of smoking so it's getting better!!!!!!



Bluejeans profile image
Bluejeans11 Month Winner in reply to gautama5

Thank you all.. This really, really helps. Going to start laughing at the tricks my brain playing . One wonders why the brain would betray our bodies.

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Bluejeans

Hiya Blue Jeans..Love your attitude, and by laughing at the weird and wonderful trick you brain plays will certainly help you :) :)

What was actual quit date. this way i can add you to the wall of winners and make sure you have the right winners badge :) :)

Keep up the great quit you have got going :) :)

letaparadise56 profile image
letaparadise56 in reply to gautama5

Nice reply

letaparadise56 profile image

Good Sunday Bluejeans,

Oh Lord, it is so hard at first on this mission. Scout's honor....this will pass. You know, it just snapped to me that I played "Candy Crush" on my tablet while learning to kick Mr. Nic. Sooooooo, fill in the blank with something mindlessly fun, walking, writing, anything but smoking.

You have a grand group of support here.

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