Hi everyone. I am happy to read all your experiences.. But do help me .. I am almost finshed my 3rd week and i have gas problems and have slight chest pains and spasms .. Is this a big problem.. Its just i am so worried.
3 week and gastric problems and chest pains a... - Quit Support
3 week and gastric problems and chest pains and spasms

Hi Rahulram...... I read gastrointestinal problems are normal but not sure about the spasms...... Maybe you should ask your doctor....... I had a lot of physical withdrawal----- nausea, chest pain, back pain, headaches, aching teeth, sweating and exhaustion---- for three weeks---- but now in week 5 I'm over the physical symptoms. Just shows how poisonous cigarettes are. The tobacco industry puts 4000+ chemicals in cigarettes. Don't ask me why. To kill us and/ or keep us addicted. Just remember it's worth it to stop! We say on this site. NOPE. NOT ONE PUFF EVER!!! Keep up the good work and ask your doc about the spasms🌷

HI Rahulram89 and welcome to quit support,
Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking
We all experience different symptoms as part of our body getting used to not having all the chemicals from cigarettes.
Chest pain and gastric problems are both very common, if you are concerned or just for your own peace of mind, go and see your GP
they are the experts
Drink lots of water to help flush out the toxins
Can you let me know your quit date and we will add you to the wall of winners

Hiya Rahul and welcome to quit support😊
Well done on your 3 weeks quit, terrific achievement so be very proud of yourself👍🏼
I see you've got some good advice already and try not to worry as these side effects usually pass. Our bodies take a while to get used to not smoking, so try and be patient and hope you're feeling better soon😊x

Hi ya Rahulram89, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support forum and a massive well done to you for very nearly reaching your 3rd week smokefree
I see you've had lots of help from some of our lovely Ladies on here
I agree entirely with them, your symptoms are very common in the early days of your quit, but, If in doubt please just nip to your GP
Rite, gas problems just wandering if you use the nicotine patches to help you quit
I ask this, cos I've used them and they gave me gassssss
until my body got used to them
Maybe try eating plenty of fruit like grapes to help you go regularly if you see what I mean
Chest pains, tightness of the chest are pretty common too, this is due to your lungs clearing themselves out and getting used to your new life style and shouldnt last long As for your spasms, perhaps these are due to you worrying
But like I have said before, maybe just nip and see your GP even if its to put your mind at ease
Rahulram, your doing ever sooo well
and you be proud of your achievement and look forwards to a new, free and healthier life
Hope to speak soon

Hi guys 🤗. So happy to hear from all of you. Thank you so much for making me feel positive. My quit date was october 7th. And today when i woke up i feel much better with the spasm gone coz i had a aspirin yesterday .. Now it feels much better. My left side i ahould still feel little dizzy though .. I believe its still recovering and it will take time.
Hello Rahulram89🌷
So glad the aspirin helped the spasm in your chest..... Your body is healing this very second and my body is healing as well this second. It's just so frightening the damage cigarettes did to all of us
Keep up your fantastic work👏🎉
Hi Rahulram. Hope you are feeling better again today. I was thinking about you and the problems we have quitting. It's amazing how we play fast and loose with our health when we are smoking, ignore the bad stuff we know about. Then, when we stop, its not surprising we start to worry about it more, noticing all the stuff, and the changes. There's bound to be changes, and for me worrying gave me symptoms on its own plus feeling the symptoms of rebalancing in our body, adjusting to a better, poison free chemistry. I certainly got gastric problems for a while, and still have an antacid on hand which I use on occasion, but not often. It does settle. Also I found lots of those relaxing breathing out and letting go exercises helped me, you can find them on here, slacking those muscles, neck, shoulders, chest... Letting it all go...
Huge well done to you! You are doing the best thing you can possibly do for your health, the real biggee!
Just stay with it, every day's a brilliant success day, and you are doing fantastic
Wishing you a calm stomach, patience with you healing, and.... a great smoke free day!!