Oh my mentors, I'm so sorry. I blew it, yes I did. All the stressors and not being able to drive due to the meds just swept my feet out from under me. I'm going to see my son in the Wild West and won't be able to surprise them by not smoking, but, I shall get back on the meds full force asap. Thanks for all of your encouragement and comments, as I will be going back to re read all of them.
I Blew It!: Oh my mentors, I'm so sorry. I... - Quit Support
I Blew It!

We are human, we all have hiccups. Don't be too hard on yourself. I remember when i was in the same situation.. No meds, a crisis and i blew it. Then the worst time of my life,my sons death and stopping smoking wasn't an issue. I really didn't care. 2 years ago,the time was right and i stopped again and im still smoke free. I gained weight so joined a walking club, a fantastic choice Im in the Dales a few days now walking.Your hiccup will come to pass when you are ready. Your son will love you regardless. Life is for living so get to the wild west and enjoy.

Now you know your triggers, you know what stressors give you the most trouble so you know what to look out for it's a blip and as lanemorph says, we are all human, things happen and things don't quite go to plan. You should be proud of yourself for your determination to not quit quitting. Have fun with your son

hi Charm, dont beat yourself up over a bump in the road. Maybe the time is not quite right for you. Please don'g give up on quitting
Work on getting your head in the right space to have another go and quitting when you come back from the west

Hi Charm, the girls have said it all. We are all here for you no matter when you decide to quit again. Just put this down as a practice run and learn from your mistakes. Enjoy your time with your son and keep us posted. xx

Hey Charm, give yourself more of a break and less of a hard time. The thing is, you know for sure (we know it too!) that you want to stop smoking - You've already begun your journey, you might just have to take a slight diversion to get you there that's all and when you are ready, we'll be here to help you along the way at a pace to suit you
Get yourself packed and away on your break to visit your son in Arizona tomorrow and when you get back next week, give us a shout and we'll help you to set up a personal quit plane and work towards your new quit date
Have a lovely, lovely time

Don't be so hard on yourself but at the same time don't make excuses cause then you'll just enable yourself! Good luck it's hard believe me I know!
You didn't blow it you blipped it ... we have all been there but just get back on it and start again.
Enjoy your trip to see your son, have a fabulous time... we will still be here when you get back

Do not beat yourself up. Just start again. This is my 3rd time stopping smoking. Everyone has a blip not easy to give up the fags. Your son will love you if you are not smoking or smoking. x

Hi Charm, I came across this a couple of months backs, hopefully it helps

When the time is right you can try again and don't worry coz we'll all be here for ya
Enjoy your trip and a son will love his mother unconditionally
x x