Going to try to quit yet again stop date tomorrow (Stoptober) Going to try the Ecig i no i need to stop but always seem to star again Any way having another bash
Having Another Go: Going to try to quit yet... - Quit Support
Having Another Go

Aup Garry, its great to see you again pal and a big well done to you for not giving up, giving up
I and quite a few other members are using the e-cig and very good they are too, perhaps its cos of the hand to mouth thing If you need any help with it, just give us a shout pal
Hey Garry, are you still cycling I think it was you who used to whizzzzz about on one
Good luck for tomorrow Garry and as I have said, you come a shouting if you need any help
Nice to hear from you mate Hows things with you ? Yes mate still cycling completed the new forest ride 2 weeks ago (63 miles) I am going to give it a good go this time as them old cigs are no good for your Take care mate

Hello Gary and Welcome back
Hopefully this is your time to shine
See you past attempts as training runs
There are lots of members that are using the ecig so if you have any questions about it just ask.
All the very best on your quit
Good evening Lin
I hope you havnt had to a harder day at work and you now have your poor feet up relaxing
i had a strange day at work..offered a temp position over and above my current role for a minimum of a month.
Its going to get hectic for a few weeks
Gosh Lin, you are going to be a busy little beeee eh
as long as it dosnt get too much for you and you get stressed out
i wont be too bad, I am responsible for the Quality and safety in my workplace, which a big job as i work for a not for profit Disability service. We get both state and federal funding which means two separate Quality requirements as well as being ISO 9000:2008 Certified... Basically it means i am responsible for making sure we get through the annual audits
The temp job is acting supervisor in one of our houses which is really just overseeing that our documented processes are followed..The staff will be my biggest problem
Hmmmm, Staff eh we've got some of them at our place gal
they dont make em like the used too
Many Thanks Glolin Will keep all post as time goes by
it sure aint easy quitting, but for me this group as been amazing and has sure helped me get through to 3 months. I am really confident of staying smoke free now :).....so now, we all going to support you to get to that feeling

Hiya Gary, good for you having another go, believe in yourself and you can do it
63 miles cycle wow that's brilliant and good luck tomorrow x
Good morning Briar and how are you fettling this lovely bright morning ?
You got that hubby of you'rs well and truly posted off this time
Good thanks, Emjay has him in the hen house so all sorted
How you doing today, not at work x
God Woman, you've got me rolling about on the floor laughing
hmmm, think maybe I need packing and posting somewhere eh
Am working nights this week Briar
HIya Briar... I had such a laugh over the hubby's in the hen house saga
Hiya Glolin, so this promotion is good and you will have no problem with the staff as your people skills are so good and you will be brilliant at it x
Flippin creeeeeep hey, you after Lins hubby
i aint parting with mine...he is one the good guys.. I do count myself very lucky with my man...what is the most amazing thing..we actually met online 13 years ago
Yeah, Glolin's hubby is the one I really wanted coz he can cook..... but I ended up with Shanti's (whose being mean and still smoking around Shanti - but he has got a credit card), Briar's coz he killed her hanging baskets (I never water mine either..) and Betts.... not sure why Betts was getting rid of hers... but I was getting two so figured I could cope with three... how wrong was I and anyway they couldn't all fit in the dog house (knew I should have asked for their measurements first but I am a real impulsive buy sorta woman...) anyway, I re-posted em to Emjay now there in her hen house
thanks Briar, it will be good for me, cos i have applied for the managers position to oversee the 6 houses. I believe i can do both roles as they are so inter-related. So I have really been given a chance to prove it
They threw a 10% increase while I am doing both roles
...gotta love that

Hi Garry, Welcome back, Good luck with the stoptober attempt. You can do it. Its good to know your still cycling your doing brill. Pete will be happy your back, He needs a bit of male support. He still gets us girlies going on at him.
Yeahhhhh and I dont like it one little bit seeeeee
Awwwwwww what you talking bout, you love it really
Well, I might like it a teeeeeeny weeeeeeeny little bit then eh
Heres your new jim jams look very smart!