Here goes nothing, my start of a new life sty... - Quit Support

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Here goes nothing, my start of a new life style & Iam already desperate and in need of all the support & help I can get!

Mrscsp63 profile image
11 Replies

I have smoked since I was a teenager, cut down to about 10 a day over last 20 years but still not enough, never had the will power to quit and always used weight issues as an excuses not to stop.

But it must Stops now as I had a heart attack on Friday 4th July.

So I am going cold turkey with very good reason, I didn't even think about it while in Hospital but now back home recovering with nothing to do but rest I am begining to get twitchy, this is as much a physical thing as mental one, & I need others who are going through this or been through it who will understand to give me support through this so any suggestion on compating cravings much appreciated, I will try everything and anything.

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Mrscsp63 profile image
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11 Replies
EmJay profile image

Hi Mrscsp63,

first off, congratulations on making the best decision for your health that (as a smoker) you could possibly ever do :-)

Welcome aboard to Quit Support, our online stop smoking community. I'm sure some of our lovely members will pop on and say hello :-)

There are two parts to becoming smokefree;

1) Stopping smoking and 2) Staying stopped

You have to go through both of these parts to reach your goal, and they have to be in this order.

Going through both the psychological and physical parts of stopping smoking is all part of the process, stopping smoking is quite an emotional roller coaster of a ride that will have you both laughing and crying - Don't worry though, this is normal and if you stick at it, you will come through it :-)

I have copied an old post below for you to read through, although I don't expect you to go out for a run, there might be something else in it that might help :-)

What happens when the cravings become too much?

Here's a few things to try that can help you through these moments;

1. Stay Positive

It really is important to remain as positive as possible as this can affect your whole outlook on everything. Feeling negative is understandable, however, you need to push these feelings out as they will make everything seem a lot harder. It's like carrying an extra load on your shoulders. Losing the negative feelings will lighten the load and nothing will seem as bad to you.

2. Keep a craving log / diary

Grab a small notepad and pen.

Write down at the top "I can do this".

When a craving comes on make a note of the time that it is.

Make a note of what you think may have brought on this feeling. Was it because you saw somebody smoking, it just entered your head, you spotted a cigarette packet etc...?

Write down the words "I am doing this"

Think about how you are actually feeling, does it feel like a physical feeling (in your body somewhere) or a psychological feeling (in your mind)?

Make a note of these feelings, both physical and psychological.

Write down "I have got through this"

Carry on with what you were doing beforehand...

Next time you feel a craving coming on repeat all the above.

After a while, you should be able to recognise any triggers that bring on these feelings, you can then plan how to avoid them.

You will also notice that given time, they will become less frequent as time goes on.

This feeling will pass, you just have to see it through.

3. If possible do some exercise

If you can go for a walk, then a nice stroll will do you the world of good. Practising deep breathing exercises as you go. Filling your lungs up with fresh clean oxygen.

Maybe if you are at work, just have a nice big stretch. Get up and nip the loo or go and get yourself a nice cold drink of water. Just take yourself for a little walk away from your workstation if you can.

If you can, go for a jog, or have a go on your rowing machine if you have one. Maybe if you just try a very brisk 'march on the spot' for 2 minutes.

4. Have a pint of water

This will help pass a craving and stave off any pangs of hunger, it will also help flush your system too. You will need to pay more visits to the loo though

5. Focus on exactly how you are feeling, do you really believe that the craving is that bad, that you cannot overcome it?

Can you get on with something that may take your mind off it for a short time?

6. Go and brush your teeth

It would be such a shame then to smoke and undo the good work so far, especially just having brushed your teeth and given yourself lovely clean breath.

7. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises can be used to give you a calming feeling, help relax you, give you a bit of energy if you feel a bit lethargic, slow your mind down a bit should you feel it racing away.

It's worth practising different breathing techniques beforehand so that they come more easily as and when you need to use them. Have a look through our archives for some of our different types of breathing exercises

That's just a few suggestions to help you get over cravings. Try them and see how you feel and let us know how you get on

Remember that whether or not you decide to smoke, the craving will go away

Together we can do this :-)

I am just about to work away from my PC at the moment but didn't want to just read and run so what I will do is *bump up some old posts that you can read through that may help you :-)

Stay strong and keep smiling, especially when you least feel like it :-)

katelisci profile image
katelisci1 Month Winner

Hello and Good Morning miscsp631! First off I wanted to send you some hugs and Congratulations on making the Best decision quitting! I too have been a recent quitter and have found this online community absolutely fantastic and supportive while my body/mind are going through all these changes! So many comforting messages to read and helpful suggestions to get me through the day. Stay Strong and Keep your head held high!

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Hi there Mrscsp63,

Firstly, I'm REALLY glad that your home and on the road to recovery after your heartv attack. you have to know that stopping smoking is absolutely the best thing you can possibly do for yourself.Not going to pretend that it's easy but just take one day at a time. In my early days I used an Ecig to get me thru but if you're determined to go cold turkey then I think that's amazing, I know I couldn't have done it so I think you're a superstar already. EmJay has said it all in her post really so I won't add anything except GOOD LUCK and stay close to here, drink plenty of water and if the cravings get really bad try and do something to distract yourself (I used to go and walk) lastly just know absolutely that this does and will get better for you, you're going thru the worst time at the moment but hang on in there and you'll be just fine. Hugs Helen x

Fresher profile image

Well done to you Mrsc you've done amazing already, going cold turkey is an achievement in itself so just shows how strong you really are. I smoked for 30 years and stopped using an e cig. Keep up the good work and stay strong :) :)

Briarwood profile image

Hi mrscsp, welcome to this wonderful site and glad to hear you are back home making your recovery, must have been very frightening for you. Twitchy, yes I think that's a good word for it :) I think most of us would agree that starting out can be very difficult but just take one day at a time and come on here when you feel like it for support:)

Cold turkey, wow wow wow :) orange segments are handy to have ready in the fridge and the citrus might help a craving :) x

beardy_chris profile image

Hi MrsC. My quit started four weeks ago when I got taken into hospital with Atrial Fibrillation - not quite the same as a heart attack but the A&E consultant said "No more cigarettes ever" and that gave me the motivation I needed to quit. IMHO, it's all about motivation. None of the withdrawal effects are life-threatening (not like smoking!) - yes they are a pain but they are mostly in our heads. If we keep strong, we can overcome Mr Nic. We might need all sorts of things to help us from various NRT delivery systems to sweets, orange segments (what a good idea!), breathing exercises, walks, shouting, grumping, whingeing or, even, posting here! Whatever works for you. As I've said before: line up a whole variety of things that'll help you. Don't rely on one thing only. As you say, while you were in hospital, wanting a ciggie was the last thing on your mind (as it was for me). There is absolutely no real reason why you should want one now - it's all in the mind even if it manifests as something physical.

I wish you all the very best for your recovery.

droopyJ profile image

Sorry to hear you've been through the wringer, but you know you have to quit and you have definitely done the right thing :)

It aint gonna be easy but we are all here for you whenever you need us, so shout loud and proud :D

Your almost through your first week, cold turkey can be difficult but you can use the chewing gum or lozenges or any other NRT if you need it.... you don't need to suffer hun :o

I have a spare patch and lozenges in my handbag, they've been in there the past 6 weeks or so but have yet to use them, I think just knowing that they are there helps me :)

Stay strong & positive and let us know how your doing :)

Nick-o-teenfree profile image
Nick-o-teenfree3 Months Winner

Hi Mrscsp63,just keep at it it will get easier :) just keep telling yourself why you have quit.Try to avoid triggers as much as you can,take 1 day at a time.

I quit back in Jan,after a bad chest infection,and so far so good,and to be honest,have not felt better.

Speak soon Nic x

Fresher profile image
Fresher8 MONTH WINNER in reply to Nick-o-teenfree

Wow Nic amazing, you need a new shiny badge sharpish :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Mrs C, a massive warm welcome to you gal :) yeah, I think a lot of us started smoking in our teens :o I hope you are recovering well after your heart attack :) and you do not want another one do you ! sooo your doing spot on gal by quitting the smokes, No 1 is to get yourself back to health again :) and quitting means your half way their already :)

You have had loads of great advice which I cant better, so you just hold your head up high and say '' you've done it '' and stick to it :) :) you know you want to :) :)

Pete :) xx

mrssunnyside profile image

Hi Mrscsp63, Hope your recovering well after your Heart attack, welcome to quit support, and that's just what it is, great support on here. We are all in this together and to win. I am using an e-cig to help me quit the cigs, and it's working well. Stay strong. Keep in touch. xx

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