Is there anything about the 2 to 3 month non smoking that makes it so much harder, l am still on the nicotine gum, but right out of the blue this morning l had a sudden and very strong urge to pick up a you know what, thats the first time l have wanted to do that since l stopped, have always been satisfied with the gum, no trigger that l can think of , l was just taking a cup into the kitchen and it HIT me!!! it will be 12 weeks tomorrow!! and l cannot give in, not with the copd,does anyone think it might be a good idea to up the nicotine gum(if only briefly) cos l am trying to slowly reduce it.
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C r a v i n g s......

Hi sue I wouldn't worry about it still get those myself and still use the gum too but rather that then the ciggies, have cut down but they are my crutch and will carry on using it for as long as I need to. Had a really bad craving myself the other day it just creeps up on you when you least expect it, keep going and up the gum if you need to is my advice you will cut it down when you can x x
Thanks Kaprin, at present l am well within the dosage limits, half in fact to what they tell you on the box, do these cravings ever go completely l wonder!
Hi Sue I agree with Kaprin.... those little horrors called cravings just hit when you least expect it.... just keep doing what your doing - which is fantastic by the way

Hi Sue, well done on getting this far and I think that mr nic just arrives from time to time to keep us on our toes We never know where or when but he lives around the corner so I guess he feels free to pop in whenever he feels like it
It just goes to show us all how hard this quitting business is and what a terrific job we are all doing
we have to be on our guard and kick him out
you're doing really well
Sue,you've got a fantastic quit going on there,2 months is awesome & NOT worth chucking away.TRY to breathe thru any cravings,go out, ,Hoover, dust ,anything that keeps you occupied until it goes which it will I promise.Hugs to you.H x

Sue, you are doing absolutely fantastic
Lots of positive advice lready given, I would definitely stick with the route you are on as this is working really well for you.
Welcome to your 12 week milestone
I'll go and grab a new badge for you now
Hi Sue, congrats on reaching 3 months Yes this is the hardest thing in the world to do, but we WILL do it. I use an e-cig and did reduce my nic level down for a while then weakened and upt it again, but from this coming week when I purchase more fluid I am reducing down again. I must admit I have probably succeeded this time round as I am now retired and no longer have the stress of working to worry about !!
My Sister quit 13 years ago, after the death of our mother of Lung Cancer, and she is over it now, but she to has Fibromyalaga, and my Brother now uses an e-cig he has COPD.
We will all do this, Please try and keep strong, take each day with pride that you have achieved 3 months, Good Luck. xx

Many many thanks all, l am still smoke free and it's only a hop,skip and (very small) jump til l get to 4 months, l am determined not to let those old habits return!