Missing smoking. ...: I'm over 6 months... - Quit Support

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Missing smoking. ...

MMoo profile image
19 Replies

I'm over 6 months quitting, I had a pretty rough quit but I'm mostly though the worse now. However after all that I've been though and I know how much fags were killing me, I still want one.

It's not a nicotine crave or even a habit thing, it just feels like a part of me is missing. Anybody else feel that way?

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MMoo profile image
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19 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Morriemoo, Its not unusual to feel like that. Almost like a bereavement. It does get better. I think it took me almost a year to completely stop thinking about cigarettes. Your doing great. 7 months! yeah. xx

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Well done for getting to 7 months :)

I am thinking i will probably always think of the stupid things, my mum who quit still said years later she could kill for one after her evening meal, but i guess it becomes more of a saying than a need :)

Like Jilly says it is a proper bereavement, and we deal with those. x

MMoo profile image

Hey girls,

Yeah I was thinking it was a kind of bereavement thing. It's strange how we can get so emotionally attached to something like smoking.

They say it's the nicotine withdraw which is the hardest part of giving up, but although that was rough I found and still finding that it's the continued mental ability to stay off smoking which is the hardest part.

I guess it's all about the person and how they used smoking to cope during there life.

Hope everyone doing OK?

I see your at 2 years Jillygirl, that's truly awesome. And you pinkie, 2 months!! I knew you would do this no prob :-)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to MMoo

Hi Morriemoo, i know what you mean about how we use cigs to cope, I have hit a couple of rough patches in life since i stopped, and have always smoked when they have happened in the past but managing to deal with the situations without a smoke has been a real challenge, but then i thought, people who have never smoked have rough patches and dont turn to fags, so suck it up buttercup lol!

To be honest i cant believe I have got to 2 months, and without too much distress, although the last week has been when i have really wanted a ciggie. Ah well it aint going to happen now :)


MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hey Pinkie,

Suck it up buttercup! hahaha........ That did make me laugh reading that.

2 months, your way to far to give up, giving up now...Your in it to the end now Pinkie!

Are you doing NRT?


Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to MMoo

Yes I am on the ecig, just managed to drop from the full whack nic 2.4% to 1.6%, think getting off the ecig will be a timely process somehow. But at least i am smoke free :) x

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to Pinkiezoom

Yeah that's the real important thing. Stopping all those nasty chemicals getting in your body. Well done you :-) x

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to MMoo

Aww thanks, although i am now thinking i should have gone cold turkey, as would have been over the worst of it all lol! i am still nic dependant. what is weird i havent been coughing up anything at all, i saw some gross/funny posts from you saying you were still howking up ( as us notherners would say ) but i have had nothing :( x

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to Pinkiezoom

I know a few people who never coughed up anything either. I'm guessing it must be what you smoked, how you smoked and how your body coped with it.

Hahaha Howking up... In sunny Suffolk we used Flob!!

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to MMoo

lol @ Flob! yeah last time i quit i never flobbed up either!! x

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to Pinkiezoom


in reply to MMoo

Flobbin' brilliant!

dustbunny profile image
dustbunny in reply to Pinkiezoom

Hi Pinkiezoom! The e-cigs are nothing compared to what's in a regular cigarette. Go on and pat yourself on the back for a job well done (I'd do it but I can't reach) :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Ian, I was only talking about you yesterday :-) Your ears must have been burning ;-)

You are now in the 2nd stage of stopping smoking - staying stopped. Feeling this way is pretty normal and it will get easier. It is quite common to hear that people feel that something is missing, I felt this way myself for a while. I just made sure I didn't succumb to it. Now, I really am happy that I don't smoke and quite often forget that I did!

You've now passed over half a year of not smoking and it sounds like a distant memory is getting the better of you. Please, please just give it time and you will find that it will get easier.

Usually, it's the people who give up for somebody else's reasons rather than their own or for themselves that miss the whole smoking experience for the rest of their lives.

You are a true winner and so just need to remember that and to keep on marching on :-)

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to EmJay

Hey Melody, how you doing?

Chatting about me, I hope it was all good :-)

Thanks for the good advice, as always. I do often find parts of the day where I forget that I was a smoker and just carry on as normal, however other parts of the day I need my polo's!

I always keep reminding myself why I gave up (health mainly) and when I'm not still bringing up tar, I have found that my breathing has defiantly improved. In-fact I was playing a little game of Tennis with my boy yesterday, and I didn't get out of breath once!

That in itself is a very strange sensation, finding that I'm able to do more than I had done for years. I was running around expecting to get out of breath, but I didn't.

Now for most people that would be a really good thing, but with somebody who has GAD it got me worrying that something was wrong! I had to basically slap myself and tell myself this is a good thing, a very good thing in fact...

I would like to get to a point when I wake up and I don't have to remind myself the reasons why I gave up, but just wake up and go...

I'm sure that day will come, until then I will scream, shout, swear and even run up and down the road naked in the snow, before I would light up ever again! haha

EmJay profile image

Hey Ian, you're doing fab so just keep on where you're at :-)

As for screaming, shouting, swearing and even running up and down the road naked in the snow, you mean to say you are doing that now?! Or have I read your last post wrong?! :-/ :D

It's great to hear that you are seeing and feeling lots of improvements, well done to you :-)

Kaprin profile image

Yup I feel that way sometimes too, mind playing tricks I think no way would I ever go back to smoking now come too far just like you what a waste that would be! Keep at it the good days far outweigh any bad days now x

Mindermummy profile image

Yes I feel the same....but I'm dammed if I'm going backwards and having one and having to go through the hell of giving up again!!! Part of me has def gone....like I'm missing something.

Grenada1 profile image
Grenada117 Month Winner

Yep, you sit down with a cup of coffee..... you have a cigarette. When you stop smoking it is like something has been cut away, part of your life is gone.... and then you remember how much better you feel, that now you can play tennis, walk up the hill etc etc. For me it is the habit of picking up a cigarette at particular moments that I find the hardest but my health is more important than any old smelly habit.

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