Try to make a plan for your quit day. - Quit Support

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Try to make a plan for your quit day.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
5 Replies

Good evening everybody :) just a quicky :| I know myself, that making a quit plan is very beneficial to me when I quit :) So what is a quit plan ?

For those of you who have tried to quit before, just think back to what made you light up again :o then try to work out, what you can do to overcome this next time :)

Please remember that smoking is not just a drug, but is also a habit ! so we have to combat both of these :o

I write a list out of why I want to quit and keep it with me.

I keep a pack of fruit pastilles in my van, cos when I am in a traffic jam, I have taut myself to have 1 of them instead of a ciggie.

When I get home from work and walk into our smoky house, I quickly go into my garage and get on my rowing machine and give it what for :o This gets me through a major craving time :)

If you have a plan, you dont have to think what to do when those big cravings hit you, cos you already know what to do :) if that makes sense to you :o :)

Chrissie, I know you spent about 3 weeks planning yours gal :D :D am just wondering if you would share some of them with us :) and to help Louby, joolz and anybody else get ready for their quit on Monday :)

Please, please if anybody has made plans for their quit, come and share them with us :)

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monky profile image
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5 Replies
ChrissieG profile image

Hey Monkey

You cheeky monkey by the way - I only joined this site last Sunday! Having said that, I did order my e-cig online almost 3 weeks ago so I was loosely planning to stop which led me to looking for stop smoking sites last Sunday when I came across this one - and wow what a difference that has made.

Apart from the inspirational stories on here, there has been so much support and advice, and the planning advice to me was a revelation. In the times I've stopped smoking before, I had never planned it - so having an idea of what I would do or how I would cope when the going got tough never entered my mind.

So being advised to think about that was brilliant. In my case it really was about changing my habits as much as my addiction,. So my plan is entitled "Stop Smoking Plan" and sub-titled "Recognise when I smoke and think of ideas of how to get through those times"

And after that it was quite easy. I just listed my smoking "habit" as in what triggered my smoking, and then listed how I could change the habit so change my routine and my smoking "triggers". So I've already stopped smoking in the car, and my substitute of choice is extra strong mints! I have planned to change my morning routine both during the week and at weekends, and I've planned my getting home from work routine, (I wish I had a rower actually) and I've planned a whole list of things to do over the weekends to pass the time and keep my mind occupied - and they are not all chores but nice things too as I don't want stopping smoking to be all about tasks, I need to be able to enjoy relaxing and having fun as well without cigarettes!

I also did the list of the reasons why I want to stop smoking and on top of that I made a list of the nice things I would do for myself as treats along the way - it's amazing that as a smoker there are so many things I used to do but haven't done for ages because I simply couldn't afford to (because of smoking!) - I had actually forgotten most of them until I sat down and made the list!

In my case, it's change of habit first, and then change of addiction will follow - like everyone I really really want to stop smoking forever and actually for the first time ever with all my planning and list making, I really feel I can do this.

I would still love to see other ideas and tips though because I can't know what I'm going to have to deal with until I get there!

Love Chrissie xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

Thankyou sooooooo much Chrissie for posting this :) :) I just cant explain things like you can :o :)

Although there hasn't been any more comments, there has been lots of people on here who have read it, and took heed of it, am sure :) :)

A lot of people on here don't comment, I just wish they would, but they don't :( Ermmmmm, I'm just wondering :o You being a very lovely intelligent young Lady :| ;) if you would share your quit with us please :) :) as in, let us know how you are getting on with your quit on Monday evening, and so on :)

But, please remember, no flippin swearing eh :o :D :D :D If you want to bash somebody, then I will be here for you gal, I promise you that :) xxxx

Maybe Louby, Joolz and Dave will comment on their quit day toooooo eh :) :) We can all learn from others who are quitting :) :) I'm sorry if I 'm being a cheeeeeeeky Monky, soooooo, I am sending you some of my special '' get rid of cheeky Monky huggs '' if you need them :o ok !

I hope you and everybody have the most sweetest dreams ever tonight :) and wake up as fresh as a daisy :) :)

Hopefully, speak soon eh Pete :) xx

ChrissieG profile image

Hi Monky, and thank you so much for your message.

I will definitely comment on Monday and I really want to know how my Monday Stopping Buddies are doing as well, we really are all in this together and I have to keep saying that this is an amazing thing we are doing.

I am really worried about Monday as I'll be at work and if my practise today was anything to go by then I could be getting withdrawal symptoms which sent me a bit loopy for a while there, mentally I'm absolutely fine but physically I was suffering - I eventually resorted to the vape which helped enormously but I can't do that at work!

Anyway another practise day tomorrow and as far as I'm concerned it is onwards and upwards - bring it on!!! ha ha ha

Sweet dreams and congratulations on reaching 3 weeks tomorrow buddy! You are a star !!!!! :) :D :)

Night night xxx

I will definitely be bobbing around on Monday, though am in work from 8.20 to 5.45 so don't worry if you don't hear from me, I'll try to post at dinner if not before :-) Ooo it's not long now is it xx

Chrissy, I get a bit giddy and dizzy. I've put it down to more oxygen and something I'm sure we will get used to! Or at least I hope so or there will be an even longer queue at the post office on Monday :-/ xx

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