I slipped up, im sorry, but im back at the bottom of the stairs and climbing, To all you lovely people out there, keep going.
Climb the stair's again: I slipped up, im sorry... - Quit Support
Climb the stair's again

Dont worry ,we all fall down , as long as you dont give up trying to reach the top. Thats why they say life has its ups and downs. stay strong.
Better to slip and say you tried than never to have tried at all.You absolutely WILL do this when the time is right for you.Don't beat yourself up,this is my 4th attempt to quit, just keep trying.
Hi, sorry you had a blip, that's all it was, a blip and you're not down at the bottom if the stairs, you just missed your footing and slipped a couple of stairs that's all. Always remember how many cigs you haven't smoked rather than how many you have.

Hey, pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get ready to crack on again.
How about thinking about where it might have one wrong for you and should it happen again, what would you do differently?
You are moving closer and closer to where you want to be and by keeping on, keeping on you're into a winner.
We're all here to give you that continued support as and when you're ready
You will get back there my friend don't worry none of us are perfect we all have blips but just get back on the escalator you will get there we are all wishing it for you x

Trips along the road we travel teach us how to go further xx

Just a mere glitch in the matrix Hun. Like everyone said pick yourself up and see it as a practice run

Aup Martin, soooooo you've had a flippin blip !! It's not the end of the world pal by farrrrrrrrr and its no good saying sorry to us, YOU say sorry to your body !! I'm on my 5th attempt now, so dont you worry pal
You know that old saying dont you
Practice makes perfect
Rite what you have to do now Martin is, try to think back and figure out what made you slip maybe try to think of a way to combat it, if it happens again on your next quit
Was it toooooo much booooooooze ?
Was it toooooo many Women ?
Was it toooooo many sleepless nights ?
Was it toooooo many I want a flippin fag ?
Was it toooooo many stresses ?
Was it toooooo many its just easier to give in ?
Think back to why it happened.
I'm nearly 58 now, have got wrinkles on my face and gum disease through smoking, I know your a lot younger than I am, so please dont let this happen to you !! You get geared up for your next battle with mr nic eh YOU destroy him !! before HE destroys you
If and when you are ready to quit again Martin, we will all be here to help you
Hope to see ya soooooon eh, Pete
PS, if you've just read that load of tripe, then its time you went out more