I started using nicotine free cartridges in my ECig last Sunday and so I can proudly announce that I'm now nicotine free.Hasn't been as hard as anticipated but my cartridges,have Taurine in them(same stuff that's in the drink that gives you wings!!) so maybe I'm just on a bit of a high !! If I can do it then believe me anyone can.17weeks without a cig and proudly 4days nicotine free.
Loud,proud and well and truly nicotine free. - Quit Support
Loud,proud and well and truly nicotine free.

Hi H, that's just brilliant, well done to you and I can see how proud of yourself you are.
Now you'll have to help Sinfree get herself off the nicotine as she's coming up to one year smoke free.

Aup H
Thats great news gal
next thing you will be ditching the e-cig and sucking your thumb
If you want to have wings, then you have them
Take care H, speak soon gal xx
What a star you are so happy for you onwards and upwards eh x x x

wow that's fantastic news
I am just at the start of my journey, but intend to change my nicotine liquid in my pipe for smaller doses and eventually come of the pipe itself! But i wont get ahead of myself just yet lol!!
Did you find cutting down the dose of nicotine helped, over what time scale did you reduce the nicotine to finally get to zero?