WEDNESDAY/ DAILY CHAT/ 20/11/2013: Good morning... - Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
13 Replies

Good morning, grey and rainy here in Yorkshire, but unlike the weather I hope everyone is bright and cheerful, We dont like damp squibs. So no need to worry about getting your coat and brolly just to nip out for a smoke. Stay nice and dry. :)

Big welcome to eithne who has just peeped in, in preparation for quitting. I am sure we will all support her/him when the time comes. Meanwhile enjoy today. :)

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jillygirl profile image
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13 Replies
EmJay profile image

Good Morning JillyGirl and Everyone :-)

I'm now sat on a train at Perth and on my little travels back home. I have a crackin head cold coming on and a lovely hoarse voice!

Lots of new members about, welcome aboard to you all :-)

Stopping smoking can be one of the funniest, challenging, most barmy, happiest, sad, scariest and quite extraordinary journey of a lifetime. However it affects you, it really is important that you ride it through and although nobody said it would be easy, everyone says that it's worth it :-)

Now... Where is the kettle on this train? :-/

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Found a pressie for you. :)

mrssunnyside profile image

Morning everyone, Oh it's like the ' Wild West ' here in North East Wales but at least the sun has just come out !! :-)

poor EmJay, hope you nearly home to get that kettle on, sounds like you could do with popping your head over a bowl of steam to try and help clear that head cold :-( Just what you don't need with the busy Christmas season nearly upon us eh !! Still on the bright side you should be over it before then !! :-)

Glad I'm not standing outside with a ciggy in the strong wind, and the thing was it just seemed to burn away so quick in the wind, so you never felt like you had had one !!!!!!!

Take Care all :-) :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to mrssunnyside

Hi Mrs S, when your on about strong wind and trying to light a ciggy, makes me think we are quite a hardy lot aren`t we. Good job with all those poisons going into our lungs. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning mrssunnyside :-)

Congratulations on reaching your 11th week quit, you're now into your 12th week :-) How's it going for you?

As soon as I'm at my next stop (Edinburgh) I'll pick up some paracetamol and that'll put me on the road to recovery :-)

EmJay profile image

Love it JillyGirl :D

I'm now flu & Cold maxed up courtesy of Boots, I've also had a meal deal but still no cuppa, there doesn't appear to be a shop on this train.

Just arriving at Lockerbie, I'm on here until Preston and then it's a home run for me from there, getting home to Liverpool for 4 :-)

mrssunnyside profile image

EmJay, jillygirl, Yeah into my 11th week, I know I won't smoke a cigarette again, :-)

Have been bragging about so many possative's for not doing so, and feeling so much better, actually happy to smile as my teeth looking so good :-)

BUT haven't quite been myself the last week or so due to IBS trouble, and tiredness, and now I have siatic problem, this stems from my Herniated disc from 5 years ago :-(

Just got dressed to go out food shopping with hubby but couldn't even get to the car for gripping siatic pain, so he's had to go alone !!!

I'm now sitting with the heat pad on my back :-(

Fingers crossed it doesn't escalate into how it was 5 years ago !!

So at the moment smoking is the least of my worries !! as that would worsen the circulation to the discs any way.

OH Happy days !!! :-\

lisa79 profile image
lisa794 Weeks Winner

Hey everyone :) I am 34 and suffer with asthma and have being a smoker for about 15 years. However Monday night I ended up having a Asthma attack which scared the crap out of me. Fortunately it happened whilst I was in hospital. So I'm on 2 lots of antibiotics because a x-ray confirmed I have a chest infection. Im doing okish I suppose, Taking my blue inhaler quite a few times a day which is helping plus it helps because I have a bad cough also. I obviously havent smoked since Monday and I feel like a complete mess. I am so emotional Im fine one minute the next I am crying my eyes out is this normal? I also have cravings but everytime I do I have a sugar free polo mint lol. Finding it very difficult right now though these symtoms normal?

EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply to lisa79

Hi Lisa79, welcome to Quit Support :-) You've landed in the right place to get as much help as you like with stopping smoking.

Sounds like you've had a tough time this week, hopefully you're on the mend now :-)

I can promise you that your body will have started to repar and itself already since you put out your last cigarette on Monday.

How you are feeling at the moment is quite normal, it's all part of the healing process. The main thing for you to do is to stay positive and know in your heart that you will get through this.

Can i just ask you a cople of questios so that i can gain a bigger picture?

Are you using any form of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or going cold turkey? Have you tried to stop smoking before? If so, how long did you stop for?

Keep us posted and we'll help you all we can :-)

Remember that you can do this and we'll help you get to where you want to be :-)

lisa79 profile image
lisa794 Weeks Winner

Doing it without any help, I stopped many years ago for 18 months but forgotten how I felt when I first quit. I didnt want to you any patches or gum etc wanted to do it on my own but Im just feeling sorry for myself, I am still not 100 per cent well so thats not helping my mood swings either. And thank you for the reply EmJay means alot x

Friezfriend profile image
Friezfriend13 MONTHS WINNER in reply to lisa79

Aw get well soon, hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and get to work.

lisa79 profile image
lisa794 Weeks Winner in reply to Friezfriend

thank you :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Lisa, its lovely to see ya gal, and a great big warm welcome to you :) :)

Erm, I think we all go a bit mad at the beginning of our quit, mind you saying that, there are a few on here that are still a bit mad eh :D :D

We have a young man called Jonathan on here, and he suffers with asthma, but since he quit smoking, he is breathing much easier :) and has managed to get rid of one of his erm, treatment things too :) He is also like you, going cold-turkey :)

Lisa, please try your hardest to stick with your quit and stay positive about it eh :) If you want to rant and rave !! then come on here and let it out gal :o :) We are all here to help each other, and we dooooooo :) :) Plus, have got my ear muffs at the ready :o :D :D

Hope to speak soon, Pete :)

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