Does Quitting smoking ever get easier? - Quit Support

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Does Quitting smoking ever get easier?

DMR1963 profile image
17 Replies

Hi My name is deb, I quit smoking 3 weeks ago, after smoking heavily for 40 odd years.

I am using the stop smoking agency through my doctor and they have put me on the Tablets rather than the patches etc.

Anyone else on the tablets?

Yesterday and today are the hardest days out of the whole 3 weeks and I would have thought it would get easier rather than more difficult?

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DMR1963 profile image
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17 Replies
Briarwood profile image

Hi DMR and welcome to Quit Support

Huge well done for 3 weeks smoke free, brilliant👏🏼👏🏼

Yes, yes and yes it will get easier but it takes a little while. So please be patient and kind to yourself at the moment.

Have a look at the pinned posts as there’s one about the icky threes. It seems most people struggle a little at the 3 week mark, so you’re not alone.

Lots of lovely people here to help you. We understand how difficult it can be as we have all been where you are now.

Be very proud of yourself and hang in there as this will pass.

Keep busy, distract yourself as much as possible from the cravings and drink lots of water to flush out the toxins.

You’re on your way to a healthier future, well done🚭✅💕🌻xx

DMR1963 profile image
DMR19635 MONTH WINNER in reply to Briarwood

Thank you

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator6 Years smokefree

Hi Deb,Well done for your decision to quit👏 and of course for your 3 smoke free weeks.

Welcome to Quit Support.💙

It’s never easy to quit but it’s easier with a little support.💪

Which tablets are you using? Champix? Personally I haven't used them but watch this space as someone somewhere will be able to help.

I promise you it will get easier,3 weeks is a very good start.

If you are having cravings try to remember the 4 D's. Delay,Deep breathing,Drink water,Do something.....Do anything go for a walk,play on your phone,wash up,tidy out that wardrobe.

Please read the pinned posts,📌 there is lots of information there. You will find the posts to the right or at the bottom of your screen depending which device you are using.

May I suggest you drink plenty of water💧💦 to flush out the toxins and keep yourself hydrated.

If you feel you need any more help please don’t hesitate to ask. There is always someone here.

Please let us know the exact date of your quit so that we can assign you a winners' badge and add you to the wall of winners.

May I remind you not to post any personal information.

Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭xx

DMR1963 profile image
DMR19635 MONTH WINNER in reply to TheTabbyCat

Hi Tubby54

Thanks for your words of encouragement.

I actually quit on the 7th September

I am using Champix

They are brilliant, you do not have the usual feelings of wanting to murder someone for a fag, and I think they put something in the tablet to make smoking repulsive it tastes like death!!!

(However the dreams are what I would imagine hallucinogenic dreams are like.)

Its this gapping hole inside me and my mouth feels weird and I'm constantly hungry and .....

However I have never has lungs so clear!!! I breath and there's no rattling sound

I sleep for 8 hours a night instead of waking every few hours and smoking when I wake.

Anyway i'm just hoping this will all one day be a bad dream and I will not think about smoking every second of the day

Thanks for your message x

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator6 Years smokefree in reply to DMR1963

I'm glad you're feeling some of the benefits already. I know that when you use Champix you must follow the instructions in order to be successful.

Keep this site close. I'll get your badge sorted.🚭💪xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi there Deb, Welcome to Quit Support. :)

The girls have already given you good advice, Dont be afraid of using an extra nrt. product for when cravings get hard to cope with. You could try the gum or lozenges just so it takes the edge off. Breathing exercises also help to clear your lungs and calm you down.

Have a good day. :) xx

DMR1963 profile image

Yes I thought about that but my advisor says no, apparently the whole idea of the tablets is to turn off the receptor in the brain that craves nicotine. I use a nicotine free vape for when cravings are bad but its rare that I use it (n I don't like it tbh)

Thanks for your reply though..

Heavy breathing seems to be doing it for me atm lets hope its enough

deb x

Catmad10 profile image

Hi Deb, honestly it does get easier. When you first stop smoking it appears quite easy because you have the euphoria of newly quit.

Look at it this way, if it doesn’t get easier there wouldn’t be neatly so many success stories. Stick with it and if possible keep your hands and mind busy as these will take your mind off cravings. Also keep visiting and participating in this site as I found it had a major impact in my quitting successfully.

Yellows profile image

Hi Deb. I used Champix to quit smoking. It was a tremendous help but there is still our minds to debate with over this evil smoking. Its a bit of a roller coaster ride but over time this will lessen. Good luck to you. One thing I did at the end of taking Champix was cut the pills in half to taper myself off them.

DMR1963 profile image
DMR19635 MONTH WINNER in reply to Yellows

Ok thanks for that... tell me... once you come off tablets do the really bad cravings you would normally have without tablets appear??

Yellows profile image
Yellows28 MONTHS WINNER in reply to DMR1963

Hello Deb. I think by then the cravings are mostly gone. I did feel a little something at this point. Im not sure if it was the ending champix or the icky three month peak or going on vacation and being complacent. I did something foolish. Went on vacation and smoked. I think all three things contributed, but am not excusing myself. I beat my self up just a little, and got back on the bike. And Im still in the ride, journey, etc. Its so worth it Deb. Read the posts, that is a big assist.

Samjeff profile image

Thought I’d never do it but yes it does get easier believe that please Sam

Corrina125 profile image

Hello Debs, I quit using Champix and have been smoke free for 31 months and don't miss it one bit!

You are correct in that champix dampens the nicotine receptors and is not a Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), so just stick to champix, it does work and having cravings is normal, they will soon wear off.

Oh and I just loved the dreams really weird and psychedelic!

DMR1963 profile image
DMR19635 MONTH WINNER in reply to Corrina125

Thanks Yes dreams are a real bonus!! 😂

Barndog profile image

11 days I will be quit for 10 months. I smoked for 43 years, at least 2 packs a day. I smell someone smoking and for a brief second I think , man would I love a hit. I just don't think of actually doing it. I would be so disappointed in myself. Stay strong, do something to distract yourself when a craving consumers you. I am so incredibly proud of myself that I never entertain the thought of lighting up. You can get there!!!!!

DMR1963 profile image

Thanks!!! If you can do it I can too well done!!

Happybear profile image

Good morning, it does get easier eventually. We all react differently to quitting but the first couple of months are the worst from my experience. One has to keep seeing the positives. Good luck and have a good day.

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