We ALL know that having a cigarette wether we are 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months quit (or even longer) is not a good idea so why when we are stressed does smoking seem like such a good idea ? You know it'll change nothing,make no situation better,make you feel better or help (in my case) a stone in weight miraculously disappear instantly but still that voice tells you that all these things are possible with my ex best friend John Player by my side !! Just having a bad day and getting a bit panicky about my surgery (pre op check is on Wednesday which makes it all seem real if that makes sense?) & I KNOW that smoking is not going to solve anything but today I really miss my cigs.SORRY for the rant. Hope everyone is O.K.Hugs H.x
Getting a bit of a panic on & the old craving... - Quit Support
Getting a bit of a panic on & the old craving returns.

you can have a plastic ciggy, anything to get through the moment. i bought some sweet cigarettes, those little candy stick things,

Hey Ysd., dont be sorry, it does you good to have a moan and groan. I think the wanting a smoke is your brain trying to distract you from other situations. I have been stopped for 19 months now and I still get the odd occasion where my brain fools me and says I could just do with a smoke. Silly thing is I cant stand being near people who smoke now. Then I think I used to be one of them. Suppose we are just human.

Rite, for 1 thing, smoking dosnt make things better it actually makes things worse, so then you need another 1 and so on
before you know it, yep, your smoking again !!
It is all in your head H just try to white wash it out
I know thats easier said than done, cos I myself suffer from stress
When I suffer from stress now, I try to think of something else, erm, anything, like, whats for dins, what colour ceiling would you like in your bedroom, have I really put the cat out, hmmmm, well go and check
Anything, to take your mind off the stress bit
Dont you worry about putting a few pounds on, cos like I have said many times before, if you can beat the fags, then you can beat anything including weight gain
As for your opp, I tell you from my own experience, the docs & nurses know what their doing ''now''
so dont you go getting stressed out cos of that eh
You will be in capable hands, well unless am their eh
cos then you might end up with 5 legs and no arms
just depending on what sort of day am having
Ermmm, just wondering how many brain cells you need to be a doc ?? cos when I can find it, I've got a whole 1
plus ave got a hammer and chisel, drill and a cement mixer if needs bee eh
H, loads of love and huggs heading your way rite now, soooo if you dont want em, flippin hide quick
I can now smell a smoker a mile away & actually can't believe how bad it smells.Have been using my vanilla ecig cartridges today, I think the word is interesting !!!!!

Hey Yellowsnowdrop, hope you're feeling better now
You've been given some decent advice from everyone above. There is just a little something that I wanted to add;
Feelings of cravings and feelings of stress are very, very similar.
When a smoker gets this feeling, they automatically smoke a cigarette. Sometimes it leaves them feeling temporarily satisfied, sometimes it doesn't. Therefore, I would think that the times that they were satisfied through smoking, then the feeling may have been a craving.
If they were left unsatisfied, then maybe the feeling they had was stress....
So, what I am wondering is that maybe because you are feeling panicky about your operation, the feelings of upset or aprehension may be natural stress symptos but you are assuming that it is a sudden bout of cravings for cigarettes....?
Just accept this feeling and once you have dealt with it, it will go.
We all need stress in our lives, this helps us to function. However, it is when we have too much or even too little that it becomes a problem. Understanding stress and learning to relax is a good way live your life. The breathing exercises that we recommend when stopping smoking can aso be used to help relax us too.
You've been dong brilliantly and you'll soon be on the road to recovery following your op.
Stay positive and you know we're here if you need us
Hi Yellowsnodrop, yeah like you I've had a couple of bad craving days and didn't seem to be getting a kick from my e-cig either !! But better so far today
But I just wouldn't have a ciggy, not after 9weeks quit, I stay possative by thinking about all the good points like - taste buds better, skin looks better, eyes brighter, and my teeth looking so good, plus I feel better generally, and of course im always thinking about everyone on here going through the same things.
Yes there's the weight thing, but we will sort that too
Loads of good wishes re your pending opp, will be thinking of you
Onwards and upwards eh. Ciggys are not our real friends, cos they wouldn't fill our body's with deadly toxins eh.
Here's to better smoke free days ahead xx
I use 2mg chewing gum when in hospital and sneak my e cig in.A bit naughty but desperate times mean desperate measures.

I don't think I have anything to add to all the sound stuff above, hope you are getting through the worst of that now. Ops are scary stuff but hopefully in two sleeps you will be on the other side and on the way to recovery. Good Luck.