17 Weeks despite everything!!: Hello all Well... - Quit Support

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17 Weeks despite everything!!

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER
23 Replies

Hello all

Well just done the 17 weeks smoke free. Had loads to content with but have made it. The pic is of my dearly beloved cat Noir who passed away very late Thursday night. So very sad.

Hope you are all well and staying strong


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bunnyrabbit profile image
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23 Replies
cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Sorry to hear about Noir. It must be difficult. You are doing so well in spite of everything. I don't know if you are a huggy person but sending one anyway.


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to cleopetra

Thanks Sally. Bunnies and Barney getting loads of hugs. It's the first time in over 30 years that I have not had a cat. I was so looking forward to having him with me once I have my op in September. I'm off work for 7 weeks and there will be a huge space where he used to sit on my lap :-(

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Sue

Gosh well done on 17 weeks - huge achievement & so sorry to hear about Noir - it is so awful when this happens .. always had black labs throughout my life but when one goes I am in pieces for ages !!

I am going to reach 17 weeks on 22nd November at 7AM (I think) - looks miles away but never mind. You have done it despite everything and that is so encouraging....

Best wishes


sue52 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear about Noir BunnySue :( It must be so hard for you just now, I hope that you can take comfort in the fact that you gave him a wonderful loving home :)

Well done for reaching 17 weeks smoke free :) your a star :) :) 18 weeks here you come :)

Love and hugs, grannysue :) xx

Sorry to hear about your cat. Pets mean as much to people as family, sometimes more. Well done at reaching 17 weeks, not easy at all when something major happens in your life.

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

okay - sat in this mildish craving or whatever it is for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours and it is not lifting ..... pain !!!

I know it will go away soon but posting it should help.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good afternoon everyone. Its lovely to see everybody finding there way back on site.

You are doing really well bunnySue 17weeks you should be so proud of yourself. Sorry to hear about Noir but at least he was loved and will still be loved in hid cat heaven.

Jonathan I do hope your nasty craving has passed. Stay focused you know it will pass.

Hope that everyone else is having a good day. xx:)

Ummm, we have no daily chat today, so I'll put my query up here. Excuse me for hijacking you post Sue, hope you don't mind. Nothing to do with smoking but I know there are gardeners and the like on here so you may be able to help. Ever since I discovered my flytipping website as Andi likes to call it, I've been buying fresh flowers to put in my bedroom and living room. All goes well, they last about 3 weeks most of the time and I shuffle them around as they die off. Last week I bought some flowers from Morrisons. They looked really pretty, red, white, yellow and purple. When I got them home and opened them all the leaves fell off, the next day all the heads drooped. :( Unimpressed but blamed Morrisons for their renowned lack of care when it comes to plants and flowers. Today I bought some more from Aldi. They looked really nice in a gold colour to coordinate with my bedroom. Opened them up and all the bloody leaves fell off grrrrrrrr. Then I noticed they're the same flaming flowers. Why sell flowers that obviously don't like living in a vase!!

Now I don't know if this is gonna work but anyway here is a picture of the offending junk. Anyone know what they are??

img826.imageshack.us/img826... I don't even like them now they're in the vase they look like weeds dug up off the tip.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Hi Sinfree, no consolation but they look like chrysanthemums. but whenever I buy them they are rubbish too. I am sure Pete will put you right. :)


in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jilly I don't think they're chrysants cos they're quite small flowers, a bit like large daisys with a green centre. There is no flower food with them either, I assume because that would just about finish them off.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

:D :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to monky

Sinfree, that was meant for Jillygirls pic

in reply to monky

That is exactly what happens with the flowers, they just fall apart at the seams.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Sinfree you do make me laugh gal, with your sayings and goings on :D :D

I think Jillygirl is right, they do look like chrysanthemums, I'm going by the shape of the leaves :o cut flowers at this time of year, with this heat, need to be kept cool, and maybe the big supermarkets dont cater for that so much !!

Right Sinfree, there is one golden rule when buying cut flowers, you buy them in bud !! and not in full bloom !! Some years back I had a fruit & veg round, so I used to get up early to go to the wholesalers market, and all there flowers were in bud, and not open !! so you see, if the flowers are in full bloom, that tells me, that the shop has had them sometime !! so steer clear of them :)

Now those chrysanths in the pic, am sure you can buy them growing in a plantpot , they will last a lot longer and all you would have to do is water them, talk to them and be nice to them, they will last a lot longer :) :)

in reply to monky

Thank you Pete for your advice :) As my Dad will verify I'm not good with flowers and plants and stuff. I did wonder if it was the warm weather that had turned them a bit tho. I must have been lucky up to now cos all my flowers have been lasting for ever. My son got me some for Mothers Day and they were still kicking around about six weeks later. I'm best with cactus type plants that you can just leave to wild abandon, they don't sulk so much if you starve them of water for weeks :D I have a succulent (is that what you call them) kind of cactus type thing that I've had for yonks. I think that was from Morrisons come to think, anyway it only flowers once a year but they are beautiful deep red flowers with long petals. I love that plant and it can be largely ignored the rest of the year.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hey Sinfree, that wouldnt be an Easter cactus would it :o and yes you are right, cacti are succulents :) :)

in reply to monky

Yes it probably is an Easter cactus cos it does flower around Easter time or thereabouts, beautiful flowers, so pretty.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

OY, young Lady, I think its about your bed time isnt it :o

I hope the weathers been kind to you today gal :)

I'm not sure whether you like nuts or not, but have got a recipe for the granola bar that Jillygirl was on about, I will post it on the questions side anyway, cos I love em :P :P yum flippin yum :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hey BunnySue, its great to see you back here gal :) :)

A massive well done to you for getting to 17 weeks quit, and despite the troubles you had too, :) am so sorry you have lost your cuddles ( Noir ) cos I tell ya gal, they are very loving animals, I was always told that a cat owns you ! and its true, cos if a cat dosnt like you, it will go else where :o

Sooooo, am just wondering if you have a cats sanctuary near to you, for homeless cats, maybe go and take a look eh :) Ha ha ha I didnt need to go to one, cos Monkey, my cat just appeared one day about 5 years ago, er's still here now :o just cant get rid of her :D :D she's like my shadow, she follows me about, if am in the garage, greenhouse, she comes noseying to see what am upto :| :) even when am on my rowing machine, she try's to sit on my lap while am rowing :o :D :D huh, flippin Women ! but I do love her to bits and she knows that :)

She looks a bit like Noir, as she's all black apart from a dash of white just between her front legs, plus she's got long hair :) erm and of course, er's a Woman cat :o :|

Hey Sue, take it steady gal, cos your doing just fine :) :) maybe I will be able to come on here and say that I'm on my 17th week quit eh, one day perhaps :)

Speak soon BunnySue, you take care now gal, hugs are on there way to you, huh if you dont like em, then get another cat quick, seeee :D :D :D

Pete :) xxx

Anyway, best go, its well past midnight now so had best go to bed otherwise I'll be wilting like my flowers. Night Pete and anyone else who may be around at this unearthly hour. Sleep tight and watch the flower bugs don't bite :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Nite nite Sinfree, so sorry I missed you gal, ave bin reading all the comments I missed :o you get to bed gal, cos I dont want you wilting nor do I want anything dropping off you seeeeeee :o :D :D Its a bit cooler here tonight, I hope it is at your end of the world too, enjoy your sleep, and i hope you have a lovely dream :) :)

See ya soon gal, cos you cant get rid of me that easy :P :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite everybody, I hope your feet are dry and its cooled down a bit for you, so you can have a lovely nights sleep, and just maybe a lovely dream to go with it :) :)

Pete :) xxx

Zetters profile image

Ah! So sorry to hear about Noir :0(

If it helps i too am on 17 weeks and i too have lost a beloved cat in that time so know exactly how you feel. I somehow managed to get thru' finding him (there should be a pic of him upside own on here somewhere) without going back to smoking so i am sure you can too. I distracted myself by getting another, even dafter, cat - not to replace Bailey but to help fill he hole he left behind - it helped enormously

Well done on quitting, good luck with the op and stay strong x

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