Ok, come on then, how do I post a reply to the daily chat. Every time I write a comment it starts chatting on about titles must be between 1 and 140 characters long and refuses to post my comment. I don't need a title I just want to post a comment. Tsk. Anyone else having this problem?? Heelppp?? This is making me want a ciggie.
Grrr, so how do you post a comment? - Quit Support
Grrr, so how do you post a comment?

Hi Sinfree, Sorry your having problems, I don't know how this is happening, when i click on add you response i just get the box to type in, like i'm doing now. I wish i could help you, you might have to ask hu about this, unless anyone else knows.
I know how frustrating this can be, i was about pulling my hair out yesterday trying to get on here and stay on, I ended up having to do the breathing exercises cause it was either have a ciggie or throw my laptop out the window, thankfully i did neither. I really hope someone can help you with this soon, just sorry that I couldn't.
It won't let me talk to you Sue I'm going off now, will come back later. It seems it doesn't like it if I say too much
Yaye, that posted
It sounds like it's doing what it did to me yesterday, I ended up waiting till today, I got too annoyed, maybe i was talking too much as well

Having exactly the same problem..... keeps asking for title etc.
Bet it works now....
haha, yes it did work. Bet mine doesn't tho
Yes it did !!
But I had something important to say on my other message which has now been lost I think .. never mind - all part of the training for life without cancer sticks
mmm, well I've just tried replying to Sue and got the same result, refuses to post.
That was supposed to be a reply to Jonathan. OMG, am going. Will come back later and try again
So glad to get here! (If this posts, by the sound of it). I have been on an unexpected trip to the Anxiety'site. People were very helpful. One poor person on there found themselves here too, and responded. He/she has been looking for the obesity site for 3 days, wherehe/she is a member

Hi Sinfree
I dont seem to be having any trouble posting gal ermmm it is Monday, maybe its just one of your off days eh
Hey, if I cant have a flippin ciggie, then you aint, got it otherwise, I'l be round to you place to give you a right good sortin gal, ok hmmmm not sure what sort of sortin I will give ya, you'l just have to wait and find out, but a will