A short post to say that I have reached 26 weeks today so I am officially half way through year 1 of being a non smoker.
I am very chuffed.
A short post to say that I have reached 26 weeks today so I am officially half way through year 1 of being a non smoker.
I am very chuffed.
Hey Sally, thats just fantabaleesooooo gal
hoorayyyyyyyyyyy Half a flippin year gal
That deserves a little treat look I know it looks like there is a piece missin, but I had to test it, didnt I
I'm so so glad for you Sally
stay with it gal, cos before you know it, it will be a whole Year
take care now, and see ya soon.
Pete xxx
26 weeks! Wowser, get you
You've worked hard to stay quit and it has paid off for you Sally. 6 months smokefree! Well done, we are all really proud of you
Wow, 6 months Sally, that's brilliant It will be a year before you know it, we're all proud of you
well done sally.