Burning heels - like they are actually res... - PSP Association

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Burning heels - like they are actually resting above hot flames or resting on hot read charcoals.

JudyJ profile image
10 Replies

I know the question is waaaay out there, since my Docs don't have an answer for it.

I had my R hip replaced 4-2-12. I was born with malaligned hips and my R hip always gave me the worst time. Had 4 arthroscopic procedures over 10 years to clean-up the joint because I was dubious about how my Orthopaedist minimized the procedures but most of all the recovery.

I elected to have an epidural with sedation vs. general anesthesia. Beginning @1:00 a.m. I was up for the night, screaming in pain, because "my heels were on fire". Nurses adjusted the compression socks, wrapped my heels in ice etc. Nothing helped. When my Doc came in that morning, tho I was heavily sedated, I do remember yelling at him about what he did to my heels to make them burn that way. He just shrugged & said he hadn't heard of it before.

You'd think for as many years as I motored thru life on that hip, and the replacement is a big surgery, if I was feeling intense pain, it would be in the surgical site. It went away in a few days.

What is concerning me, if not alarming me, is it's back. Hadn't experienced the heels burning thing until it woke me up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago. It felt like both heels were literally seated over an open flame. The pain is agonizing and went on for several hours. Walking on tip-toes to get ice wasn't an option because any movement was agony. And, my daughter's bedroom is on the opposite end of the house and didn't hear me calling for her (that's something we can fix).

When I brought it up to my Neuro this week, tho it fascinated him, he had never heard of this before and had no advice to give. It may not be PSP related at all...just wondering if anyone else has experienced it?

He did increase my pain meds again which helped a lot. But they still feel like they're on the edge of erupting into flames again & I think the pain meds are blocking it. Concerns me a bit that I still feel the edge of that sensation but for the pain meds blocking it. Do NOT want this to become a regualar part of my 'new normal'.

So, kind of a kooky question about a kooky, but agonizing, symptom of something. Feedback would be most appreciated.

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JudyJ profile image
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10 Replies

I'm not sure if I can answer this if your Drs did not give an explanation. It seems steroidal epidurals (especially in childbirth) can result in burning sensations including feet. Ask your Drs about Chronic adhesive arachnoiditis (CAA). Google this complain along with the words "burning feet" and see what you discover.

I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with PSP but I'm often surprised by the many varied symptoms that PSP brings along.

JudyJ profile image

Thanks so much for your reply and reference to CAA. I was unsure if it had anything to do with PSP either...but then again, I don't need another separate 'thing' to deal with. I'll ask my Neurologist about this next visit.

Take good care of yourself.


rainbow33 profile image

My Mom says she feels as though she a feeling of hot rods shoved in her legs.

JudyJ profile image
JudyJ in reply to rainbow33

yup, about as close to as another person can describle; for me, it just doesn't involve the heels, it moves upward to my ankles & lower legs. Has your Mom gotten any kind of medical explanation for this? If she has, would you mind sharing it with me?

Thanks, and take good care of yourself, too.


Kathy profile image

Hi Judy,

Burning pain is often associated with nerve pain and may well have something to do with your surgery. The only other thing I can think of that might give you burning sensation is pressure sores so it might be worth checking your heels for signs such as changes in colour or skin integrity.


Kathy xx

JudyJ profile image

I thought about that, being connected to the hip replacement last April, but it seems illogical it should just spontaneously reappear, just as severe, almost a year after that surgery.

I do think you are onto something with pressure sores, tho. Starting around '09 or '10, well before my diagnoses, I began noticing that while sitting up in bed at the end of the day, watching tv or on my laptop, in other words, relaxed, something strange was happening.

I found myself from upper thighs down to both feet, I was involuntarily pressing them hard downward on the mattress as well as extending them and my feet, to the point my feet would drop as well; not a natural position.

It started sporadically back then til for at least the last year, it's my normal everynight. My Neuro said it's definetly a PSP symptom; not much to do about it but to increase the muscle relaxer he has me on. I told him not at this time because he was starting me on a 2nd memory med as well as increased my pain patch a modest amount again. I trust him very much but am concerned about getting too many meds on board.

However, might have to call him and up it. Last Wed. I started the increased dosage of the pain patch. Wow. Words can't express how greatful to him I feel for actually paying attention to my pain and TREATING it. Have severe arthritis in both hips and knees due to malalignment at birth. In fact, my R hip replacement last April "didn't take". It started to hurt over the summer and by fall, it was back to where it was in terms of pain before the replacement. Saw my ortho. All the hardware was where it's supposed to be; gave me a shot of cortizone which helped for a few days then that was that. My Ortho said if the shot didn't take the pain away, it's due to the PSP affecting the muscles, ligaments, tendons in that area.

So I have a lot of pre-existing pain, but add what PSP does, and it's debilitating on every level. So I'm enjoying this stronger pain patch. Can just get up and do things w/o thinking about it. Can sleep thru the night again...but...I'm experiencing at night and sometimes during the day, that my heels want to erupt into flames again. I'm thinking the new pain patch is preventing it from breaking thru which is a good thing. As my body aclimates to the new dosage, we'll see what happens. Hoping this isn't going to become an issue with frequency; nothing helps it, wrapping them in ice, elevating them,etc. The nurses had no tricks up their sleeves either.

My Neuro has me coming in every 4-6 weeks. I will bring this up again. Even during sleep, my legs are rigid, pressing down, and hyper-extended, so I'm thinking that my heels are pressing down harder on the matress as my rigidity increases, and might be triggering "my feet are on fire!" experiences.

Thanks for your input. Sorry for my rambling. I didn't sleep a wink last night; I get xtra rambly when I'm overtired.

Have a great day.

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to JudyJ

Looking through some of your previous comments Judy . Came across this one.

My husband use to call me in the morning because he had the most dreadful pain under hi,s heel generally in one foot . I would massage it and stretch it .. When he started to use a hospital be I raised the foot part slightly and the problem was solve , He sleep flat on his back with legs straight out which caused cramping .

He also presses his hands down very hard , in fact he presses them on his legs and you can see the imprint and nail marks .

micki1234 profile image

Had my hip replacement 2 months ago since then my toes and heals only burn at night in bed. I put slippers on and it stops. Dr says he doesn't know why they do this very frustrating and my good leg burns from hip down to knee again no idea why getting very depressed about it.

IBillie profile image

A Sensation Of Burning In The Heel May Be A Sign Of Plantar Fasciitis

Shawna2342 profile image


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