My guy left me: It was 13 day from when I... - PSP Association

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My guy left me

51 Replies

It was 13 day from when I belive he had a uti and maybe even chest infection that just got a hold of him, he said two weeks before he was done, he was kept comfortable at home,he had a nursing team and pain meds . in the very end it was peaceful passing. My guy my love left me may 9 at 10 am.

Neil aka dude is gone but never forgotten.

Thank you to all on this lifeline site,had I never found you all here I'm pretty certain I would not of made it without your wonderful words of wisdom and moral support.

Thank you all and remember to care of yourself.


51 Replies
Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Oh Dee I am so sorry my deepest condolences to you and your family, such a sad time, sending you a big hug, grieve in your own way lovely lady. Thinking about you at this sad time. Yvonne xxxxx

Heady profile image

Oh Dee, I am so sorry to hear that Neil has died. May he rest in peace, finally free from this evil disease.

We are in strange times. I hope all the necessary arrangements are as smooth running as is possible.

Please take of yourself now. Get as much rest as you can. Grief is even more tiring than caring can be! Plus you will need time to recover from the physical side of looking after Neil. Use your hard learnt skills on your self now.

Sending very large hug and much love

Lots of love


Sorry to hear.

It is so unreal. A lifetime passes so fast.

I know I wouldn’t have made it through Larry’s PSP had I not found this site with the support and information on it.

NannaB profile image

Thinking of you at this sad time Dee. You know he is now free and at peace. I hope you have support during lockdown and are able to grieve in your own way, there are no rules for grieving.

Look after yourself and stay safe.


Helen119 profile image

Love and hugs to you xxx

doglington profile image

I'm so sorry Dee. It's a tough time any way but at present is even more difficult.. I hope you have plenty of support. The next stage is so hard but you lnow you did all that was possible to ease hiz path. Much love fron Jean xx

Brenive profile image

I am very sorry to hear you sad news, , I have also found so much good advice and guidance from this site, thinking about you and your family take care,, , Brenda xxx.

enjoysalud profile image

A VERY handsome couple!

SewBears profile image

Dear Dee,

You both put up a great fight and it’s hard to let go, but now his suffering has come to an end. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your photo is worth a thousand words and yet I’m having trouble coming up with what to say at such a horrific time for you. I’m glad that he left peacefully. Sometimes that’s all we can hope for. Be good to you now!

Sending hugs XOXO

💐❤️ SewBears ❤️💐

honjen43 profile image

So sorry for your loss, Dee.

Am pleased you were able to keep him home and comfortable. I hope the past few weeks will give you some comfort and peace in your loss, knowing you were sharing the true situation with Neill.

Now is time to let it all go, you will feel numb, especially still being in lockdown. Remember to eat! Do no more than you have to for the time being.

Keep in touch with us here. Many of us understand how you truly feel. You don't have to answer "I am fine" !!

Enjoy the good memories and hang in there, drift, until you feel ready to venture 'outside' again.

Love and big hugs!


Nanny857 profile image

I am so sorry your lovely Neil has passed away, may he rest in peace. I pray you will find comfort that he was at home and passed peacefully.

You have been amazing in all your caring for him, now it's time to rest and take care of you. Grieving is not easy, so be kind to yourself and just take one day at a time. Hoping you have some support close at hand.

Sending my hugs ((( ))) and love


Hiking13 profile image

Dear Dee

I am so sorry to hear this, please take care of yourself now, you have given so much. Take your time get plenty of rest and grieve at your own pace. This site is a lifeline full of lovely people that understand. Take comfort in the fact that your lovely Neil is pain free, PSP free and never far from your side. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and hugs

Love Sarahxxx

LostinHeadSpace profile image

Dee, so sorry to hear. Deep condolences.

Sam_S profile image

So sorry for your loss!!

May He Rest In Peace!!

patch33 profile image

All my condolences.

Sending you a big hug !

Dawn, xx

Willow_rob profile image

Written words are a poor substitute for what we feel for you at this time. Take care of yourself and grieve. Plan for your future when y

Willow_rob profile image

You are ready

tasha1944 profile image

So sorry Dee - take care of yourself

Dickenson2 profile image

So sorry for your loss now released from this terrible disease. Look after yourself x

Inparadise profile image

My sincere condolences for the loss of your guy. May he Rest In Peace.

Kevin_1 profile image

Hi Dee

I'm so sorry.

My heart goes out to you.

I wish you the best that can be at this time.



Spiralsparkle profile image

My heart goes out to you Dee. I am sad to read this post about Neil.

Take care of yourself as you now navigate all the stuff that has to be done with a death.

I sense that his peaceful passing brings you some light in all of this heaviness.

Massive hugs

HilsandR profile image

There are no words to ease the heartbreak, Dee, grief is a unique journey for us all. One day at a time now, as you begin find your way through the inevitable ups and downs.

Best wishes to you and your family,

Love Hils


BamBam28 profile image

So very sorry for your loss, sending hugs xx

georgeg25 profile image

My sincere condolences to you and your family. May he Rest In Peace 🙏🙏🙏

fishponds profile image

so sorry take care of yourself big hugs

Aurala profile image

Sincere condolences; so sorry for your loss .

Sending gentle hugs... Granni B

Fairygirl13 profile image

So sorry for your loss Dee.

Sending love and hugs,

Sarah xx

Sebuly14 profile image

Sending warm hugs !

daddyt profile image

So very sorry for your loss Dee. Hugs and prayers.


A big hug Dee.


Etoile profile image

Dee, I sorry the loss of your companion. He was and will always be with you in your heart. I'm happy that his passing was peaceful and that you were able to have the healthcare resources you needed at your home. I wish you peace and courage for the days to come. Estelle

AJK2001 profile image

So sorry Dee, but so glad to hear he was at home in familiar surroundings with you. It's all any of us would want at the end of the day. Thinking of you. xxx

Tttp profile image

So sorry Dee, always such a bittersweet, thinking of you please take care. Nettie

JubileeRanch profile image

I am so very sorry.

I echo what you sad about this site and all the wonderful helpful people on it. I have learned so much from all who are traveling the same rough road.

Take care, it can be so lonely not having your spouse and the closeness you have shared, no one can replace that....

I put my husband in a care facility mid April....I was so lonely and missed him so much that I went to get him last week. During the time he was gone I spent time interviewing for someone to come in daily to help me....I found a lady that will fill in most gaps. I felt so thankful he was still here to touch and love, I could not be separated from him, that will happen soon enough, I cherish every moment....

wear1947 profile image

So very sorry Deed. A big hug. Take care. Difficult times.


bikershel profile image

Sorry for your loss. Sending you a virtual hug.

This site is amazing and helps us through xxxm

roadrace profile image

So sorry for your loss!

Cuttercat profile image

I join everyone here to send my condolences and prayers. This website saw me through and still does. Please keep posting.

The photo is lovely as you were to him. I’m so sorry. Take care and know I’m thinking of you during this sad time. Take care.


Marilyn_cbd12 profile image

Dee, so sorry for your loss. It is hard to watch our loved ones suffer and hard, still, to have them leave us. Think of him often, and smile.



Skye04 profile image

So very sorry Dee...My thoughts are with you...You will take comfort I'm sure that he was at home with you and passed peacefully...Sending Hugs! Liz

Anniejs profile image

So sorry to read your sad news Dee. Lovely picture of you both. Take care of yourself x

Y2U4 profile image

Sorry for your loss. I’m praying for you and your family. Take care to of yourself during this difficult time.

Cinnylou profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. Beautiful picture. You made a lovely couple.

easterncedar profile image

Dear Dee,

I want to apologize. You have been on my mind a lot, but my home computer seems to have devoured all my messages to you. I came into the office just now especially to write to you.

That's a wonderful picture. I am very sorry about Neil. You were, as Dee in BC, one of the first people I knew on this site, well before I was bold enough to chime in for myself. You went off on adventures, so bravely, after the diagnosis and then have lived through years of the dramatic and heart-breaking ups and downs of the disease, steadily persevering and sharing at regular intervals. It's been a long road, though it may seem too short now. You fought hard and kept Neil home and saw him to a peaceful passing. Well done.

I didn't find that having anticipated the end made the grieving easier. It was still a shock for me. Giving myself permission to rest and weep and remember and do what I could to take care of myself was the best I could manage, and I wish you all the same. This pandemic isn't helping. I hope you aren't more on your own than you need to be.

Love and peace,

Sarah (Easterncedar as was)

Katiebow profile image

So sad to hear that your man has left you Dee, it’s a shock even when you are expecting is 2 years today that i lost Ben and ski can feel your pain i relive the day of events when Ben died.

Sending love

Kate xxx

Baytalon profile image

Dee, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please know I am sending my love and my prayers for your comfort. My guy and I are on this journey, and today I had to call his hospice nurse who suspects a uti.

Satt2015 profile image

Hi Dee

Really saddened to read this but am pleased that Neil is now free of this despicable disease!

Sending you much love at this truly sad time x

Ratcliffe profile image

So sorry to hear the news Dee, I hope you are bearing up OK Under the circumstances.

Big hugs, you did a good job.

Thinking of you, you know we are all here if you need us

raincitygirl profile image

Dear Dee,

I am so sorry for your loss of Neil. You had such a long, long journey through that horrible disease with him! Thank heavens the End, at least, was kind.

I hope you have close family and friends to get you through this time of loss. Now is the time to put YOUR life and health back together,


Anne G

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