British Summer time Ends: C has 2 night... - PSP Association

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British Summer time Ends

NannaB profile image
26 Replies

C has 2 night carers during the week. Both are good at their job but of totally different character. S will arrive early and make me a hot drink, sit down and have a chat and a laugh before her duty starts at 10pm. Y, if she arrives early, will sit outside in her car until the stroke of 10, come in and start turning down the bed. At 9.30 I put the door on the latch so they can walk in after knocking.

Last night, at 9 pm there was a knocking at the door. I put the chain on and peeped out. It was Y. I opened the door and smiled saying, you're really early tonight. She answered that she wasn't as it was 10 o'clock. When I said the clocks had gone back an hour, she said she knew they had. She had to see that Downton Abbey was on the TV and not the news before she believed me. I asked her to show me her IPad. She did and it showed 21.05. She then said she hadn't found out how to put her IPad or phone back. She didn't realise it was automatic as was the clock by the side of her bed and her microwave clock. She had to ring her husband as he thought the same and would be late for work. They hadn't listened to the radio or watched TV as they had been out all day.

She sat with me for an hour before she started work but was not at all pleased........I thought it was very funny, which annoyed her even more. Even C managed a humming little laugh.


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NannaB profile image
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26 Replies
Heady profile image

Very funny! I nearly got caught at lunch time. Adjusted every clock, except my watch! So lunch nearly came very early!

The rest of the day, went reasonably well(!!!!). Got S and the dog ready for a walk, went to get them in the car, FLAT TYRE!!! Thankfully, my wonderful son out of law, came to the rescue. I HATE, HATE, HATE, being so reliant on others! But what can you do? I couldn't risk, not having the car until I could get it sorted this morning! There isn't a day that goes by, with out PSP kicking you in the teeth, reminding you who's boss now!!!!

Lovely to hear C can still manage a laugh. Only my daughter can get S to laugh these days! Although, he did make my sister and I giggle the other night. She came over dinner and share a glass or three. I have just put an app on S's iPad, not that he ever uses it much. But this is a Touch Talk App! He presses a word or types it in and presses speak and hey presto, the word is spoken! Well, we were sat there watching the TV and suddenly this voice starts up - "I want white chocolate, I want white chocolate". So instead of going to bed, like we should have been, out came the chocolate!!! The really sad thing is, he still can't be bothered to use it, although he has already reaped benefits from the app. Makes you wonder why you keep trying!!!

Lots of love


Amilazy profile image
Amilazy in reply to Heady

Hi Heady what is the app called would like to try with M, always looking for things to get her interest.

Thanks Tim

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Amilazy

Hi Tim,

It's called Touch Talk. There are two versions, I have got the basis one, but I thought I was downloading the premium one! That is much better, but could be harder for our loved ones to work. The one we have is very basic, but S can use it!!! He, who rarely used a computer, now struggles to use the remote, but is able to work this out! cost £14.99. Don't know what the better version cost, but seriously thinking about getting it!

My car was in the garage on Friday, just for a service. Thought I had told S, but when we got home from collecting it, he typed out "What was the car doing at the garage?"!!!!!! Before, he would just accepted, so worth every penny, just for that!

I have got the Speech Therapist coming on Thursday, with the aim of getting some sort of communication device. Be interested to see what she comes up with!

Lots of love


Amilazy profile image
Amilazy in reply to Heady

Thanks Heady will try it.


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to Amilazy

Hi Tim, got the name wrong, it's Touch Voice!!! Try googling it first, I can't find the premium one in the App Store!

Lots of love


Amilazy profile image
Amilazy in reply to Heady

I spotted that one, will try it. Thanks Heady


Amilazy profile image

The clock change caught M out she woke at 6 GMT thinking it was 7 as usual. Insistent moaning to get up, then complained ( high pitched moan) that carers were late to dress her. Seemed to settle but wanted bed an hour early managed to resist this and got her to bed usual time so this morning only wanted to be up at 7 thankfully but I missed my extra hour lie in most aggrieved (ha ha).

I think the forces have got it right stay on one time zone no messing with clocks though causes confusion in the Plymouth naval base where sailors on GMT all year and civilian staff on summertime.

Good fun hope your carer was OK after initial upset. Tim

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Amilazy

Yes, she was fine. I hope you manage to sneak an odd hour to snooze sometime.


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Amilazy

I hate changing the time! The state of Illinoise is in Central tiem zone, that's and hour earlier than Eastern Time Zone; where Indiana is. However North Western Indiana is also in ETZ. There are so many people in North West Indiana who work in Chicago and other parts Ilinois, that NWI follows after Chicago and not their home state! The states have the choice to change, So it can get mighty confusing around this time of year! How come you guys are already changing? Ours does not change until this Sunday!


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

That must be very confusing. I'd have to wear two watches. Our clocks go forward on the last Sunday of March and back on the last Sunday of October. Next Sunday is 1st November.


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to NannaB

Oh that would be same "date " as US

jzygirl profile image

I was very clever and cancelled the carers for sunday morning with the thought that the time change would be better to handle without having to work to a time schedule. Yes it worked out ok because no alarms were set to ring so i was able to take advantage of that extra hour plus a bit more. (I know I'm a lucky girl.)

And the rest of the day was just as relaxing just plodding along on our own timetable. Janexx

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to jzygirl

You would think, that with retirement, hubby with this evil disease, we would be sat at home twiddling our thumbs. Well, let's be honest, most people think we do. But oh, to have a few hours to myself, no clock to watch. Even when S goes to hospice, I still have appointments and am constantly clock watching! Even when I plan quiet days, they go wrong! Like yesterday, the only things planned was a walk with the dog and the rugby in the afternoon. Want happens? stupid car has a puncture!!!

Lots of love


jzygirl profile image
jzygirl in reply to Heady

Oh heady are you saying that between cooking......., cleaning and laundry plus the added bonus of having inside and outside maintenance to do/sort....... medication giving and getting....... hospital/drs and other appoitments.......toileting putting to bed getting up generally pandering to hubby's every need oh i seem to have forgotten financial sorter outer..... that your not a lady of leisure.

Am sure that i have only done a quarter of the list.


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to jzygirl

Me a lady of leisure? I had the same dream last night!!!!! You are way out on the list, I would say one hundredth!!!!!!!!

Lots of love


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to jzygirl

Don't forget we are plumbers! I had to relite my water heater....and call 5 different plumbers to come in and take a look at a leaky pipe underneath my house!!! I looked at the pipes leading up to my toilet, they looked wet too. IO think my seal has a hole or soemthing....the way my husband lands on the thing I am sure there is a gap in the wax !!!! Well there goes our retirement trip to Europe! haha


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to abirke

Plumbers! Definitely. The flush on our toilet cistern broke and I googled it, followed on line instructions and repaired it. Another toilet stopped flushing a few months later so I thought I knew what to do but this time, the washer had perished. I took everything apart, photographed all the bits and the washer next to a tape measure and sent the photo to a plumber via email, asking if he could get me another washer; I'd tried at the DIY store but they didn't have any of the correct size. He did, and because I had saved him a call and taken everything apart, he came and fitted it for me for "beer money".


Amilazy profile image
Amilazy in reply to NannaB

Well done NannaB I am ok with painting, electrics and joinery but plumbing is something I leave to professionals. It all stems from early in our marriage (30yr+ ago) M wanted a new sink, I was on weekend leave before 9 month away, did the job a bit of a fiddle then an hour before leaving I turned on the water 2 jets of water from the new joints of the taps. Turned off water called emergency plumber, neighbour down the road, He came the next day while I was going to sea according to M he could not stop laughing did the complete replacement for free - best laugh he had for ever, still used to remind me until we moved. I was banned from plumbing for ever.

Thought I would share for a laugh.

Enjoy have a good day Tim

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Amilazy

That did make me smile. Water goes a long way doesn't it? When our eldest son bought his first flat we had several phone calls which started, "Dad, HELP". Most involved water. The worse was when he decided to move his sink and somehow managed to damage the mains water line, resulting in several of his neighbours having their water turned off for several days and a busy road in London being dug up. He stopped worrying once the neighbours got their water back on but nearly a week later the lady upstairs knocked asking when she would get hers back as she was buying bottled water and couldn't have a shower. As he was waiting for us to go and help him sort the sink out at the weekend, he was buying water but didn't realise the poor lady upstairs was still cut off.


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to NannaB

What wonderful neighbours! Different from folk around here, one minute and there would be trouble, one hour and the lawyers would be called in, "compensation"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish I could do plumbing. One of our toilets has been leaking, the smell is revolting! they came to mend it, wrong parts, now waiting for them to return today to hopefully put it right. This has only taken three weeks and we own the company!!!! Apparently, customers come first, over and above the man who pays the wages!!!! (And spawned the person organising the plumber!)

Lots of love


NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Heady

Oh dear. No perks of the trade for you then. Hope it gets fixed soon 🚽 🔧💐


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Heady

Sounds like you have a gap in your wax ring. This is where the bowl is connected to the pipe below the bowl. It stinks cuz gas and fluid is leaving bowl and flushing down outside of pipe instead of inside! I had to call 5 plumbers to come when I told them I thought my toilet needed to be reset! 5 of them ! Last guys came in the rain and had to hammer off the joint from the 50 year old pipe and rejoint it with PVC pipe and glue that stunk all day!

And they were sweethearts and charged less than 200.....They were under there for about 4 hours...50 an hour etc.

I actually feel lucky I had to wait for the 5th company to grace my house with thier skill!


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to abirke

Sorry forgot to say this was to Heady . i hope you can get that stink out when you reset your loo!


jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to Amilazy




abirke profile image
abirke in reply to Amilazy

HAHAHAHA oH that did make me smile. I can just imagine that water spewing all over, if M was like me, she had nothing to use but her gonna-get-rid-of-them-anyway bath towels (I'm still using mine) water everywhere.....nothing causes such anxiety as water and fire..funny the two opposites evoke such extreme and similar emotions!


abirke profile image
abirke in reply to NannaB

HAHAHAHA I love it! here in America, they probably would've charged you for taking int apart! In Arizona my mom in law had to replace her toilet. 600.00 just for the toilet! (It's about 120 for a typical loo) So instead they said they could "upgrade it" by putting in new innerds....for 300.00!!!! Innerds cost 50! and if you know how to screw on a hose , you know how to put ion the innerds! What a rip off!

So with that Ms. NannaB, I commend you for using your resources and intelligence!


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