Sorry, but I did it.: A friend came... - PSP Association

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Sorry, but I did it.

NannaB profile image
19 Replies

A friend came yesterday and saw the wasp nest. She was horrified so said she would sit with C while I went to the garden centre 5 minutes away. She recommended a foam spray her husband had used. I was back in less than 10 minutes.

The instructions were to leave it until the evening. Well it was a bit later than that as I watched the football ( congratulations Iceland). Just before 10 I put on my kagoul with the hood tied under my chin and sleeves tightend at the wrist. Next my winter boots with jeans tucked in and gloves. I have some net "cages" I use to cover food when in the garden and put one over my head. That had to come off though as by the time I got outside it was so dark I couldn't see through the net. Armed with my spray and fly swat, just in case, I stood well away, aimed and fired. The spray shot out like a high powered water pistol and within seconds the whole nest was covered in thick white foam. I thought it would set like polystyrene but this morning the nest just looks as if it's covered in varnish. No sign of wasps, dead or alive. I said sorry and rushed inside, just in case, coming face to face with the night carer who had let herself in and was looking for me. She let out a squeal as she jumped a few inches backwards. She said she thought I was going to attack her....armed with a spray can and fly swat!

I've got the wine appreciation group here tonight and thought now the nest has gone, we can eat and drink outside...guess what! rain by 5 pm according to local forecast so it will be upstairs in the now dining room. Never mind, the stair lift will come in handy to transport all the food and drink up, and any ladies who have appreciated the wine a bit too much, down.

Happy days!


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NannaB profile image
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19 Replies
BindiLeech profile image

Have a lot of fun NannaB - I am sure you will and I am only sorry that we do not live closer to each other!! Cheers Bindi

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to BindiLeech

Thanks Bindi, I'm going to propose a toast to all on this site, and those who read but don't post, carers and those living with PSP.



Heady profile image

Well Done NannaB! I would have done that straight away. We had one a couple of years ago, in the wall cavity that the pipe from the gas fire came in and out of. So all the new young wasps, would fly into our lounge, very sleepy with gas fumes!!! That spray got rid of them, just blocked up the holes in the wall.

Hope you and your ladies have a fun evening!

Lots of love


honjen43 profile image

Well done, NannaB ! I love insects but not wasps! Hope you have forgiven yourself!

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to honjen43

Just about.


loppylugs5 profile image
loppylugs5 in reply to NannaB

Well done!Plenty of places to build nests away from French doors.I have a slug problem, they want to get in to our conservatory,so just before the door they find a welcoming drink they all overdo it and fall in.I have tried cheap supermarket beers but Kentish Bishops Finger( Used to be Des's favourite) is the one to catch them.Px

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to loppylugs5

Slugs with a discerning taste that's good!


Doglinton profile image

Well done, Bev !! If I'd been there I wouldn't have been able to anything but laugh at the sight of you. It was enough to frighten the wasps.

Enjoy your evening. At present it is lovely here.

love, Jean x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

Just clouded over now. Must get the washing in, all 3 loads!

I'm going to the meeting next week, all being well. Do you hope to be there?


Doglinton profile image
Doglinton in reply to NannaB

Yes. I hope so. Look forward to seeing you.

Raining now. You'll have to drink indoors.

love, Jean x

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Doglinton

We did . They left here at midnight. Lots of rib aching laughter but feeling a bit delicate this morning.


Doglinton profile image
Doglinton in reply to NannaB

Nothing like a really good laugh with friends !


abirke profile image

You did not send us a picture in full Wasp Elimination Garb?...Oh you mustv'e been a sight...You probably scared a few wasps to death!...oh well sorry Mother Nature, it had to be done!


Satt2015 profile image

Brave and clever lady NannaB!

Well done to you!!

I'd love to join your 🍷 club! Enjoy!!!!!!


Escada29 profile image

Lol so funny I could just picture it made me laugh xx

showaddy profile image

That really made me laugh.. the pictures in my head of you in your garb!! Well done and hope you had a good night xx

Nanny857 profile image

Hi NannaB, I read your post to W and it's a long time since I heard him laugh out loud so a big thank you for that. He said he was trying to picture you in your 'protective clothing' and that you must have looked so funny, and also the poor carer being frightened out of her wits.

Glad you had a good evening at your wine club, that stair lift must have come in handy at the end of the evening!! Lots of love, Nanny857 xx

cabbagecottage profile image

HI everyone I don't know what I have missed .

I've not been on for a while . I don't know why but I was getting an e mail letting me know when this site was posting .and suddenly they stopped.

You are very much like me Bev , have a go at anything .

How are you both I had been wondering how u were getting on with the wasps nest ,

As if you haven't enough to worry about .

I am still struggling with John . Finding it very difficult to keep him comfortable in either the bed or chair .

His neck troubles him and his back so in a lot of discomfort

He has lost weight further and his sling is getting much to large.

The CHC OT visited with a universal sling for us to try .

I can manage the universal sling fine but this one is a different story .

It reclines him too much to get him to sit back further enough on the commode ,

If John wax incontinent I wouldn't be hand,ing him as much , I get three carer calls a day . I know I should have the four and if he was incontinenet I would. They would use the universal one then and roll him on the bed to cleanse .

His ability to eat has got worse , I haven't managed to get his porridge down him today and now he will switch off for the rest of the day, he does seem more responsive in the evening so I try and make up for it then .

They don't seem to be willing for himto have the peg feed . I have asked over and over .that Hi Paul it may take a while to get to the correct therapeutic dose for you I have sleep problems but think it's a combination of Parkinson's and the medspile b such a big help I think . Less stressful for me and him. . He would be willing I know .

He is 82 and I feel as if they think he is too advanced maybe . They have him under the palliative care nurse now .. Nit that she does anything but come and talk. She did arrange to try the drool drops I know it's to keep him comfortable but isn't the peg meant to do that as well . I worry about dehydration as well .

We have arranged the . D N R . That's shouldn't mean not to keep fed though does it .

Well I am glad I have got that off my chest to people who understand

How do you all access this site. I had to google health in locked to day to get in . It's not in my front page or through e mails at the moment , any clues please .

Weather grey one minute hot the next much cooler here in s Wales

Just had my porridge , I added one of John NUTILIS drinks to it . I have not been eating as well as I should. .. Can't say I enjoyed the Nutilis lol

NannaB profile image

Hi CC, good to hear from you. If you are having problems getting the posts, click on Help at the top of this page and Email the technical staff the problem. They have been very helpful in the past.

We have been out for a long time today as two of our grandsons were in a show given by the stage school they go to on Saturday mornings. It was in Hove. Other years it's been in Brighton where they live. It was very good. I can't get over how confident the children are on stage with a large audience. The theatre staff were good and opened a side door that took us straight into the theatre. We sat by the door in case C started making noises but he was fine. I have a special back pack now so I can feed C when I'm out. After the show 8 adults and 3 children went to a pub for a meal and I rigged the pump up so C was being fed but I could eat uninterrupted. A brilliant piece of apparatus. I think we were out too long though and C's bottom was very red when we got home. No broken skin but looks sore. I felt bad then. Perhaps we should have come straight home.

Have you asked why they won't fit a PEG? If you remember, staff at the hospice wanted C to have one 2 years before we eventually agreed. The DNR isn't to do with feeding. It's for if his heart stops.

It's been really hot on the Sussex coast today. Very cloudy at times but humid. I'm lying in bed now with the windows wide open but I think motor bikes are racing along the by pass. It's so noisy I think I'm going to have to close the windows again.

I hope you have a peaceful night tonight

Goodnight CC


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