Adventures of Georgepa part3: Yesterday we... - PSP Association

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Adventures of Georgepa part3

Georgepa profile image
11 Replies

Yesterday we walked from Rockford to Watersmeet where East and West Lyn combine . We followed the river as it hurries and scurries on its urgent journey through the narrow twisting valley to reach the Bristol Channel -sometimes cascading over waterfalls -sometimes pausing in gin clear pools before continuing on its noisesome way -always the sound of water.The path rises and falls through the woods which hug the side of the valley . The sunlight filtering through the trees danced on the woodland floor and created delightful patterns of light and shade. Mosses and lichens hung off trees and rocks making miniature gardens of greens and soft greys inviting the touch .At Watersmeet we left the river and climbed the steep sided valley up through the woods and out onto the open moor .Soft springy grass underfoot-the warm smell of sheep -butterflies bathing their wings in the morning sunshine . I have always wondered why they are called butterflies and not flutterbies which seems far more appropriate .Out on the open moor purple ling and bracken border the path and the air is so fresh that I want to feast on it . On a day like today I could walk forever. Onward and upward until we reach the top of Countisbury Hill with its spectacular views across the Bristol Channel and along the coastline to where the river emerges at Lynmouth with Lynton clinging precariously to the side of the cliffs above it.At the top the hill in a sheltered spot is The Blue Ball Inn our destination. A pint of Exmoor Ale and ploughman's lunch my reward for my mornings exertions .Sunday I return home ,it seems like I have been away for ever but I have that sense that when I am back I will feel as though I never went but holidays are like that aren't they - distant memories ,perhaps that will be enough to help me on my way - I hope so.

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Georgepa profile image
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11 Replies
Yvonneandgeorge profile image

George sounds like you have had a wonderful time. Yvonne xxxxx

NannaB profile image

I hope those lovely memories stay with you for a long time Georgepa. I also hope you manage to get back into the old routine without difficulty. I'm sure your lovely wife, and the cat, will be pleased to see you back home safely.


Georgepa profile image
Georgepa in reply to NannaB

I have to say NannaB it feels a little like a prisoner who has been let out for a few days on compassionate grounds and then has to return to prison .That's an awful thing to say isn't it but I am afraid that's how it seemed .The two days of freedom - the handcuffs of routine.Having said that , the two days were worth it !

NannaB profile image
NannaB in reply to Georgepa

I know what you mean. I was asked if I would like respite and I said no. Crazy you are thinking. Colin had to go into a care home in 2013 when I hurt my back. It was no fun for me as I was in agony but when he returned home I found it very difficult getting back into a routine. I almost resented having to be clock watching all day; alarm in the morning to help the carers get him up, appointments, day centre, sitters, tablets, etc etc. Two years on and things are much harder. I think if the handcuffs were taken off I'd probably abscond, never to be seen again. That's why I make a point of going out and enjoying myself regularly, if I didn't I'm sure I would crack up. Having lived in our village since 1977 I am very fortunate to know lots of people, most of them very caring. This week a friend called in one evening with a bottle of wine and we talked and laughed til late. On Friday, 9 of us went in two cars to a pub for an evening meal and then to a production by the Matchbox Opera, tomorrow morning I'm taking Colin to meet friends for coffee in a local sports hall. When I'm doing grotty jobs I think of my next outing or visitors and it keeps me sane ....ish!

How did V get on without you? Did the cat behave? I hope your week back home is a good one.


Georgepa profile image
Georgepa in reply to NannaB

According to the carers it all went Ok according to V they didn't do it properly ! So I expect it was OK The cat is now being over friendly - very suspicious behaviour .

Doglinton profile image

Thanks for sharing your sensations and memories. It reawakened many memories for me. And a few tears [ as with so many good memories ]

Glad it all went so well for you.

Love, Jean

Georgepa sounds wonderful. And makes me very jealous as I would love a night or two away but it isn't going to happen barring a miracle. I'll go and have a gin instead, the word sprang out at me from your post.

George you are such a talented wordsmith! Your descriptive style pulled me right into the scene. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.

Georgepa profile image

I don't think I have ever been called a wordsmith before - that's lovely thanks .My English teacher at school used to say I was verbose beyond belief- that by the time he had got half way through one of my essays he had died of boredom and would probably never recover . I thought this an odd turn of phrase as if he had "died" then surely recovery would not have been an option .Anyway I just enjoy looking at the world and writing what I see and think much in the same way as you do with your paintings which give me a lot of pleasure .

Georgepa, "Flutterbies" will accompany me to the grave now! Around the time of your first visit 60 years ago, wasn't the same happy gurgling stream the source of tragic flooding in Lynmouth?

Did you see any salmon this time?


Georgepa profile image
Georgepa in reply to

You are quite right we arrived one week after the Lynmouth disaster-Bridges had gone and there were scenes of devastation everywhere. Where we were staying had been flooded and Lynmouth itself was cut off .We did manage to walk into it and the sights of buildings cut in half with beds and belongings just hanging over the edge will remain with me always . When you look at the two rivers now it is difficult to imagine the volume of water that cascaded down the valley and caused such destruction .

No salmon this time - a little bit early ,late August they will be there to move up to their spawning grounds .

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