I don't hide the fact that I have PC but I don't advertise it either and lately I am finding out more and more of my friends and acquaintances are also members of the club. Its amazing how many there are, and I am sure I will find more.....I sure wish there was a gay support group here in Nashville but...…..
the club: I don't hide the fact that I... - Prostate Cancer A...
the club

Start one - ours meets in a space provided by the LGBT Center.
finding a space is no problem its just I don't know enough about it. I am hoping one of my friends will and I can help out....
We got a professional moderator contributed by the Cancer Support Community - he is gay, has had cancer, and does it free of charge. He is a professional psychotherapist. If you don't have a local branch, you may know a gay or sympathetic psychotherapist who does group therapy and may be willing to take it on as a volunteer. The hard part is outreach - we let our doctors know and made up a flyer and facebook page. We usually get 1 or 2 new guys a month (mostly referred by doctors or googled) and about 10-15 regulars at each meeting (we meet twice a month).

Malecare will be happy to help you with this. We're the originals! :>) You can email me at darrylm at malecare.org
Hi Tim,
I had surgery for PC about 5 and half years ago and am now cancer free and enjoying life. Plus there is an excellent monthly cancer support group here at the University of Arizona.
To address the issue of sharing this information with others: It seems that then I least expect it I am with someone (or friend/relative of) who has learned they have PC. In those cases I share my story with them.
the Best
Rick in Tucson
Stay strong, Tim. I'm under constant surveillance too. Maybe there will be a new treatment for us soon.