Had a radical prostatectomy in March 2022. Gleason 7, left sided involvement only. Post op histopathology looked good-still Gleason 7 with mostly 3 with less than 10% 4, no extracapsular extension, no seminal vesicle involvement, clean regional nodes. Post op PSA dropped to 0. However, 6 months ago it went to 0.1, and when I rechecked it in January it was 0.2, so it looks like its come back. PET Scan was performed after this last result and was clear, but my urologist recommended a radiation oncology consult which I had last week. That doctor recommends a course of focal radiation therapy focused on the prostate bed, which is where it is assumed there is a recurrence. The suggested course if 25 treatments over 5 weeks. The alternative is to wait until the number goes higher, although I am not sure how there is a benefit in that. Just wondering if there are any other reasons why I would not move forward with this recommended follow up therapy.
Thanks gents!