Annoyed! Don't judge me please... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Annoyed! Don't judge me please...

HibeeMummy1 profile image
13 Replies

So I'm due to get my induction date on Friday.. I don't want induced so my consultant agreed to allow me try everything and anything (he doesn't think anything will help)..

So with his go ahead (yay).. I've been trying dtd, nipple stimulation, walking, bumpy car ride, pineapples, spicy food and castor oil.. Yes, castor oil!!

The nipple stimulation works, but only lasts for 30 mins after I stop! Pineapple - nope! Dtd - nope! Walking - ouch! Spicy food - nope!

Now we come to castor oil. I took 2 tablespoons as a shot then quickly took some orange juice. It didn't taste bad at all!! I was on the loo for about 20mins afterwards.. Then the contractions started!! Yay!! From 6.30 to 7.45 they were 8mins apart, they went to 7mins apart until 9pm then they were 6mins!! I got so sleepy, I fell asleep!! When I woke up, gone!

So annoyed because I was so ready to deliver my baby!! Don't know if i should try again. I'm waiting on my consultant calling me back as he said it was fine to try castor oil and even told me where I could find some as it is hard to find in my city! Anyone else ever tried castor oil??

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HibeeMummy1 profile image
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13 Replies
Ance81 profile image

I totally understand why you wouldn't want to be induced, I would really try and avoid it. Of course if I have to be induce I am going to go along with it but will try all the above before hand.

I am 35 weeks and been having some signs of labour but I know I got a while to go. I am def going to try the Castor oil if by 40 weeks nothing is happening so thanks for the tip. Got my fingers crossed and hoep things start happening for you asap x

HibeeMummy1 profile image
HibeeMummy1 in reply to Ance81

Aw good luck to you!! Hopefully it goes fast or you have baby before you have to try haha

No ones place to judge your baby ur body....lots of people have said to me try castor oil but the thought alone makes me want to heave....what about lots of sex? The fact ur having contractions on and off is good...can't u get them to give u a sweep and then have sex that night...the prostaglandins in the sperm and the prostaglandins getting going with the sweep should help a great deal...good luck xx

HibeeMummy1 profile image
HibeeMummy1 in reply to

If you shot it, then drink sunny d after wards you don't taste it! Oh and also didn't lick my lips after, brush your teeth and clean your lips after too ha! I've been having sex with no success :( Also had 2 sweeps.. Last Friday and Friday just past.. I did have my bloody show with the first but just made my uterus that little bit more irritable lol. My consultant says to try another dosage of castor oil today to see what happens. Fingers crossed!

ez1988 profile image

I also understand why you wouldn't want to be induced I didn't want to go through the process of it either.

I am shocked however that your consultant has advised its ok to take castor oil, as you have said it made you sit on the toliet for 20mins, it can cause your baby to poo inside you and the meconium in your waters is very dangerous for your unborn baby which can result in an even worse labour than being induced!! I personally wouldn't take anymore for this reason!!

Have you been offered a sweep at all before they try to induce you, I had a sweep at 38+3 and this was enough send me into labour without any other intervention. If you baby is ready and your cervix is also ready it should work.

I hope that you avoid induction but please avoid caster oil too!!

HibeeMummy1 profile image
HibeeMummy1 in reply to ez1988

Thanks for your reply. I have heard about the baby pooping inside me, but he assured me that in most cases the people who try castor oil are over the 40/41 week mark and this is more than likely to happen anyway. He said the people who were below 40 weeks didn't have any meconium in their waters. Thanks for your concern tho!! He did also say not to take more than 2 tablespoons as this also increases the chances of the meconium in the waters too!

2princes1princess profile image

Hi hun I understand your frustration! My first two babies both came a week early and I was all set for third to be the same but oh no he had other plans!!!!! Im a strong believer in that each baby has their own timing and nothing (except induction....eventually or c-section) will get them out. Im sure there is good reason for. Plans to induce you but keep trying everything and hope your perseverance pays off! Good luck! Xx

HibeeMummy1 profile image
HibeeMummy1 in reply to 2princes1princess

Thank you. Yeah I believe that babies will be born when they wish regardless of what we try. I am hoping he is ready, just shy lol!! If nothing gives today then I guess induction will happen :) Keep your fingers crossed for me though :( haha!

2princes1princess profile image
2princes1princess in reply to HibeeMummy1

Aw I hope if induction happens its quick for you there seems to be lots of horror stories surrounding it but there are good experiences to. All the best hun xx

Allyemo1985 profile image

Have sex works for most people . Don't know how you stomached castor oil yuk one smell of its made me sick during the first pregnancy. Hope you deliver soon xx

I baked muffins, De frosted the freezer and then ran.... well waddled at speed for a bus the day I went into labour... sure that's what set me off! :)

mamacool profile image

Hi there, I have heard that acupuncture or better still acupressure can work wonders.In an earlier discussion Babymother raised the issue of evening primrose oil as a cervical softner. I happened across a book in the Drs surgery which explained that epo is a prostaglandin (similar to semen, hence the 'prosta' naming bit). These work differently to hormones and act on the local area. Therefore another option for you is to use epo as a pessary, to be absorbed by the cervical tissue. I have no idea as to the effectiveness, (not there yet) though if you've lost your plug it may not be advisable. Dosage wise if you were to ingest epo as a dietary supplement then you would need 1000mg and take an age for it to be effective so you'd have to figure it out from there.The other thing you may want to try is aromatherapy, clary sage is a stimulant of lady parts which may also be effective though its worth getting some proper advice as I'm no expert. About the sex though, are you doing it right? Might be worth being a bit more vigorous to hit the spot??? I'll say no more on that matter ;)

Failing all of the above you may have to concede defeat to the infant, as baby has its own timing! Good luck and I hope you get some satisfaction one way or another soon :)

HibeeMummy1 profile image

Thanks for all the replies! I have officially given up. Baby may be here by the weekend giving that my consultant has his heart set on induction ha! I have come around to the fact that I want baby out and induction is my best bet! I will update on friday!

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