Hello. I'm 5wks 2 days. I called the gp/midwife and she set up up with an app on my phone and when I logged in it said my first appointment wasn't until 5th July! I'll be nearly 10 weeks by then.. just feels like such a long time for no one to tell me if reverting is going smoothly. I have pcos and this didn't seem to concern her. I haven't spoken to anyone as there's no way to contact the centre as they never answer unless they actually call you. Plus with it being my first I guess they'll just tell me to wait. She just said take folic acid and vit D. Anyone else had such a long wait? I've seen people getting there first appointment and even their 1st ultrasound by 10 weeks. Feel anxious most days that what if its not real, what if theres something wrong. I have all normal symptoms nausea (mostly in the evening), sore boobs, light brown discharge, twinges/cramps, headache on and off, very fatigued oh and 5 positive tests lol.
Feel like having to wait a long time ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Feel like having to wait a long time for first midwife appointment

Those timings sound normal based on my experience - both successful pregnancies I've been offered midwife appointments from 10 weeks and then the normal 12 week scan. If you have symptoms that are concerning you then contact your GP or EPU (although often these need a GP referral) who should help but if you're worried generally re progress and feeling anxious, you can book a private scan (I had a lot), just best to do your research as ideally you want somewhere that has qualified sonographers that also work for the NHS or a private hospital.
I agree with mrsorangejuice my drs won’t even let me try to book an appointment with midwife till over 8 weeks. Normally seen 10 weeks.
If you are concerned with any spotting or cramps you can always be referred to early pregnancy unit from. 6 weeks onwards for a scan. Depending on your area’s criteria you maybe able to self refer or my area you have to get a GP referral.
The other option is if you can afford is to have a few private scans to ease your nerves. Maybe have one around 7 weeks and one at 9 weeks then it’s less long to wait for the dating scan. For dating scan if you choose to have screening blood tests it has to be done earlier and could you scanned sooner ☺️
Early weeks are super hard a day at time is a good approach but remember all successful pregnancies have once been at this riskiest weeks in pregnancy and many healthy babies are born everyday and there is no reason why your pregnancy isn’t viable. Unless you have reason to I would be hopeful of a successful pregnancy. 🫄
Congratulations and I hope your pregnancy goes well and smoothly Xx
In my area, you can't even book in before 8 weeks. I didn't have my booking until 12 weeks. Try to relax. 5 wks is too early for booking. There's not many areas will see you at that stage
Ah ok thanks ladies. Maybe I'm seeing posts from sites in the US not the UK.
My booking appt was at 10 weeks too, but earlier, around 5 weeks I called the local Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit regarding concerns like spotting and cramping. A midwife called back and booked me for a viability scan at 6 weeks. I had a really good experience. Better than the 12 week scan app. Do you have a similar service locally? Just speaking to a midwife over the phone can be reassuring.
Hi Dancingbiscuit ,
I thought I'd say hello. I'm 9 days behind you as I'm at 5 weeks 2 days and also have PCOS. X
Hey! My experience is the same. My first midwife appointment wasn’t until week 10/11 and first NHS ultrasound is at 12 weeks! It’s a long wait and I felt very anxious too, but we went and got a private ultrasound at 8 weeks (you can have earlier ones) to check everything was ok, and this really helped me relax! On the NHS website there is a list of all the appointments and scans they offer by pregnancy week. Just search NHS pregnancy appointment schedule (or copy the link below).