I’m 10w6d and I’m having terrible period like cramps. I go on holiday at 4am and I don’t know whether I need to panic or not. I’ve googled and it does say it’s normal for mild cramping but I would say it was a bit worse than mild. I was very constipated yesterday so currently having a fybogel. Can anyone advise please? Is this just to be expected?
10w6d bad cramps please help - Pregnancy and Par...
10w6d bad cramps please help
Have a look at the NHS guidance on cramps during pregnancy. Link below nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-co...
Get some windeze or deflatine. I had excruciating cramps, was so panicked because I'd never heard of anyone being in so much pain and turned out it was gas. And try to avoid gassy foods.
It could be just the Fybogel, I struggled with constipation and used to drink those and they would give me stomach pains the following morning.
I'd call your EPU and ask to be seen. I had painful cramps followed by a bleed at 6w, which turned out to be a large subchorionic haematoma. It resolved itself by 12 weeks but I had to take it very easy (no more than 20 min walking or standing at a time) and stop the baby aspirin.
Hiya sorry I know this is a little late because you will already be on holiday but if you’re holiday is still in the uk then Google privet scan places near we’re you are staying and book in for a scan to give you peace of mind it could be anything like before you was pregnant cramps didn’t worry you but when you’re pregnant you always think the worst it could be something you have eaten or you’re stomach is having an off day but I would do a scan so you don’t worry you’re whole Holiday I do hope everything is ok
I had horrible cramps through to about 14 weeks and I'm now 29 weeks pregnant. Mine seem to have been due to a tilted uterus. But they were definitely worse if I was constipated. Hope all is ok x
As long as it’s just cramps and no blood, you should be fine. Your uterus and ligaments are stretching for baby.
I had cramping with my first and I am currently 11 weeks 4 days with my second, and also have had cramping. I wouldn't worry too much. Also constipation is normal. But any concerns ring your doctor when you are back and they will send you to the early pregnancy assessment unit, and will do a scan there for you. Hope everything goes OK xx
Any update? Hope you are okay xx
Hurrah so glad to hear it! I'm very early in mine, just 5 weeks and 4 days. Cannot wait to reach 12 weeks in the hopes I'll feel a little bit safer. The cramps are a thing I didn't expect as I don't remember them with my first one 12 years ago as a young mum! But positive thinking! So glad things are better for you now! Hope the symptoms are pleasant from here on out for you x