Dear Everyone,
'Vengeance is Mine' sayeth the Lord. All well and good and I'm, very definitely NOT Vindictive, or Nasty, But....I wish that I could have 'WOKEN UP', the people who woke us ALL up about Two-Thirty this Morning- say around say six-thirty (just as 'They' were Dropping Off, to Sleep)! I don't dive but, I'm sure, one of my neighbours would lend us a car, so we could all 'Slam The Doors, whilst yelling at each other.... I would also need some Volunteers, to be, the people Coming BACK- Twenty Minutes Later, to carry on Screaming, for another ten minutes. ('How Well did You sleep Andrew?'....'oh, not bad...erm...Really!')
I'm NOT trying to stop people 'Having Fun' and yes, I have come home 'Merry' on occasion. Am I a Hypocrite? I hope not....I'd like, to Think, that I didn't 'Yell' like that....Heck YES I'm a Hypocrite and at Fifty-Seven an Old, Bad Tempered one too! I'll 'Shut Up' now🤐!