Got a phone call just now from endocrinology, my cortisol test at GP' surgery was 1 56, she said that's good, it shows things are working....I am on 4.5mg......I said this must be taken into account I suppose?....she said we will get you an ACTH test done, if it's 250, that's regarded as normal. ...she asked how I was feeling, flooded in pain, deathly fatigue, basically housebound, she suggested another appointment with Rheumatology, but quite honestly I don't think I will, when you are told you have Fibromyalgia, it's like, sorry, nothing we can do for you......just wish there were tests to rule things in or out!.....When I have upped steroids by a couple of mg just to get out for my birthday, things are a bit easier!.....but of course Fibro dosent react to steroids! confused am I!
At least I can sit in the garden today, nice temperature....