Is it considered ok to use Voltarol cream when taking Pred? I am confused as to whether it's an NSAID. I am hoping to use it on what is supposedly an artritic knee joint.
Voltarol: Is it considered ok to use Voltarol cream... - PMRGCAuk

The main ingredient is diclofenac which is a NSAID.. However used sparingly it might be okay, but have you tried other things for "OA" knee - like Flexiseq which is drug free - and is the one that Versus Arthritis often recommends, they did research into its effectiveness -
There are other non drug items - all recommendations from others -
5Kind Hemp Lotion -
Naturalskinfactory -
Motorbikers Warrior balm -
Thanks vm, Dorset Lady. I have tried Flexiseq to no avail, unfortunately. A friend recommends Voltarol, as it works for her, so I thought I'd try it. Having bought a large tube of it, I have now become unsure on reading the information leaflet. I should have researched before buying!
I'll give it to her as a birthday present🤣Tempus F
Not being rude, but you do need to follow the advice re flexiseq - it is quite specific -
Not at all, DL. Quite understand your comment but I did read the advice re use of flexiseq carefully and followed the instructions. I must admit to being unsure about the diagnosis of arthritis because this all appears to have started since PMR began for me, over two years ago.
Both knees became painful at the back, so that kneeling for example was v difficult. I don't believe this to be a matter of Bakers Cysts. There is no doubt that the pain at the back has continued but the knees are swollen all over now (more with the right knee than the left). I have an x-ray booked at the local hospital for 20 June.
Well hope you will get some answers following X-rays. Have to say flexiseq good for my shoulders - but think I found too late for knee - it was bone on bone -and did very little.
It's probably OK if you are just using it for one knee - it very much depends on the area and frequency.
I’ve used Voltarin cream occasionally but recently discovered Tylenol Arthritis (Canada) which is long-lasting (8 hours) so I take one dose at breakfast with food when I have OA related knee pain (which pain is now breaking through as I lower my pred dose). I don’t take it daily, and always with food, but it does work well for my joint pain.
Thank you PMRCanada. I hadn't heard of Tylenol so, on checking, discovered it is known as Paracetamol here in the UK. I wish that did have some effect for me but doesn't appear to make any difference. I think that is the same as Tylenol Arthritis but stand to be corrected, if not.
It is - and all these versions of a painkiller for a specific disorder are all the same but they often charge more!!! Marketing ... Tylenol arthritis is a modified release tablet - half acts immediately and the other half is release later to extend the effect, Paracetamol is used a lot despite there not being a lot of support for a good effect, Does nothing for me - unless taking a full dose of 1g in the early morning and the pain easing late afternoon is a result!!!!
My Pharmacist says it is OK and he is quite strict.
Hi! This is a bit of a late reply apologies not to have picked up this post earlier. I am on 5mg pred for GCA and use voltarol max strength for spinal stenosis problems. I was concerned about it but its been ok so far. My rheumy didn't seem to be to concerned about me using it.
Hi KASHMIRI1, and thanks for your comments. I used Votarol last night for only the second time and had a good night, in comparison to the last few weeks. I am trying to work out a sequence of events to help me sleep and Votarol will certainly be a part of that, I feel. Comments, such as yours and others on this forum, are most helpful.
Have to say that I never found that Voltarol or any of the various creams had any effect at all on my knees. The only things that helped/helps pain wise was Naproxen and Co-Codamol. Obviously Naproxen is off the table now. Dependent on the x-ray they might offer you a Arthroscopy to tidy things up inside and relieve some of the pain.
Thanks Bcol, or is it Perfect Pete🤣 (have been reading some of your old posts, mainly because I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), relatively recently). Btw, have you had CTS problem resolved? I have had both my hands operated on for same. They are a lot better but not totally resolved.
Re Voltarol, you'll see by my reply to KASHMIRI1 above, that I'm hoping it was the cream that allowed me to sleep last night. Not sure, but will play it by ear. Nothing else has helped thus far. Co-Codamol hasn't worked for me but I have taken Tramadol, on and off, which did help with severe CTS pain. Thanks, too, for your thoughts on Arthroscopy, which I had to Google. Useful for future ref.
Hi TF, definitely not Perfect Pete😀😀. CTS not resolved yet still waiting to get done. They did offer to send me out of area for it, but I'd rather stay with the people I know. It's a pain but copeable (is that a word? ) for the moment. It varies between pain, pins and needles or a feeling as if something is passing an electric current through my wrists and hands. Lost a lot of feeling in fingers as well. Upping my Pred dose would probably help but down to 0.5mg and don't really want to go down that line at the moment. Had a couple of Arthroscopy's which certainly helped in the short term, but as DL says when you get to bone on bone there's not a lot a lot you can do other than replacement.
copeable [is that a word ?] -
Apparently- even if it wasn’t, we know what you mean 😊
PP? Why not….? 😉
Why not?
Why not call you Perfect Peter?
Think she had the wrong glasses on!!!!
The rose tinted ones…😂🤣
Not sure she could see out of them at all!! 👀👀
Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much….😏
Scuse me! Don't want to interfere with your conversation, DL & PP😂
Feel free to join us🙂🙂. Are they going to x-ray both knees when you go later in the month?