I have been on methotrexate injections (15mgs per week)for four months during which time I have developed runny eyes which are hot and irritable. I live in southern Spain which is hot, dry, bright and dusty but I have never had problems like this before. At present I cannot use my eyes for more than an hour before it gets unbearable and I have to rest them. This is is getting to be debilitating. I am trying to get another Rheumatology appointment but it takes time. Any one else had similar experiences?
eye problems with methotrexate : I have been on... - PMRGCAuk
eye problems with methotrexate

No personal experience of MTX, but there are side effects mentioned affecting eyes, suggest you speak to pharmacist or your local optometrist/optician - they will be able to recommend eye drops that may help. … and probably a better source than Rheumy.
There are related posts to view, but not sure how many are directly related to MTX, but might be looking at..
Have you tried asking a pharmacist or optician? When my tear film dried up with Pred (wasn’t on Methotrexate) the optician prescribed water drops for day and thicker ointment at night. It was such a relief. I can imagine dust makes any eye issue 10 times worse! The optician could perhaps also take a closer look which a rheumatologist can’t.

That sounds as if it may be dry eyes - normal production of high quality tears is reduced (the dry part) so the body knows the eye surface needs keeping moist and produces copious amounts of thin tears in an attempt to do so (the runny eyes part). You need good quality eye drops to replace the tear film and that should help a lot.
I don't know how your system works - opticians here in Italy do nothing except provide specs, you have to go to the hospital or privately for an eye doctor. But all mine says is to get eye drops from the chemist so she isn't very interested. Speak to the pharmacist.
I have this so can sympathise. I was diagnosed with dry eye by the optician. I use eye drops every day (sometimes twice a day) which are marvellous. Good luck with finding a solution.
When I started steroids, after a while I got sore eyes, my GP gave me some medication for them which did not work. The pharmacist then recommended some drops which did work. I know they were quite expensive though.
I agree with Pro, sounds like dry eyes to me. Plus you might have developed blepharitis on top. Hot compresses might help with the latter and drops 4 times a day for the dry eyes. There are several on the market with similar properties - carbomer, sodium hyaluronate, carmellose sodium, trehaloseJust throwing those at you in case a pharmacist recognises any so you can buy some from there sooner rather than later to try.
The hot compress should help too.
Put an alarm on your phone to use them regularly too, it makes a huge difference.
Hello bBarnabus
As the climate there is very hot - do you use dry eye drops for your eyes? I take MTX as well, but have eye problems unrelated to MTX.
The optometrist or pharmacist as DL has suggested will help you with the eye problem. In the U.K. I buy Hylo -Forte Intensive drops and a Visco-Tear Gel in a unit form which I use at night. Make sure the drops are preservative free as the preservative can be an irritant too. They really help and can be used throughout the day. The Viscotear gel I use at night time - they really do help. Hope you find relief and enjoy your holiday. 🩴👣🕶️
I had dry eyes that vanished when I started on pred and returned when I reduced the dose. I was told that it was blephiritis and had believed it to be part of the PMR. I tried the eye drops, but the heated eye pads help me most. Even just a face cloth soaked in hot water is helpful and something that you can easily do when you are out and about, so long as you ha
ve access to a bathroom.
indeed my friend I went from a grape to a raisin once we added methotrexate injections 25mg once a week I got special toothpaste and gel from my dentist and drops for daytime and gel for bedtime I thought I was going blind I couldn’t focus on my computer I woke up with my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth I drink more water than anyone I know the gels did the trick for me…