Hi everyone,
I don't post very much, a bit of a lurker but I will be leaving the group anyway but thought I would share my recent update.
Three years ago after raised infection markers at my previous doctors I was diagnosed with PMR and put on 40mg steroids, tapering dose. I was not referred to see a rheumatologist and as I read a lot of your posts on here I could see there were similarities to how I was feeling but not really, but I thought the Dr knows what he is seeing, so kind of figured that I maybe was experiencing different symptoms.
Fast forward to a month ago, moved 500 miles, registered with a new dr, and started having issues with my knee, dr was very good, had an assessment with a physio who alongside the dr recommended an MRI. Went for a face-to-face appointment to get a steroid injection in my knee. Told the dr I was already on pred and he asked why so explained the situation.
He took one look at the only blood test that I had had with my old surgery and said 'that's not PMR'
Let's get some more blood taken.
Anyway, I have RA, and RA synovitis and I also have medically induced type two diabetes because of the pred which should not have been given to me in such large doses without any monitoring at all.
I am now tapered down to 10. in absolute agony, seeing a rheumy in three weeks on an emergency appointment as my infection markers were at 279, had another blood test on Friday and the results on Monday were up again.
My blood sugars were up at 79!
I just wanted to say, if you do not think you are getting the right/proper care please follow your gut and ask, for a second opinion, something because I now have to fight to get better. I am so overwhelmed by everything but you have all been such a support to me over the years, even if I didn't post that I wanted to update you all x
Thank you
Marie x