What constitutes a diagnosis?
Hello All, am posting on behalf of my older sister (82) who’s a bit of a technophobe and social distancing/geography means I can’t be on hand to help..! Following some alarming health problems for her husband she was struck down a couple of weeks ago with the usual symptoms we’re familiar with: couldn’t get out of bed, get dressed by herself etc. Presumably due to the pandemic, she could only have a telephone consultation with the duty GP (not her own) and was prescribed 60mg/day of Pred...... this was to be tapered at 5mg/day until the supply was exhausted - and that was to be that......?! No blood test to review inflammation markers and no referral to a rheumatologist? At my insistence, she telephoned the GP (different one on that call) to see what she was being treated for(!) and was told PMR.
Am not sure how to advise her now - obviously at that starting dose, she felt fine within 24hrs and she’s simply wanting to see my brother-in-law getting the treatment he needs (prostate op). Presume a blood test now will not reveal raised markers?
Any thoughts/advice welcome - apologies for the long post!