Most recently it's been discovered I had a tooth abscess. The dentist belive I had tooth infection for a long time. Prior to leaving for the Camino I had this tooth removed. Is this the root (no pun) cause of my infection raising my inflammatory markers since 2021 which return inflicted PMR like symptoms?
Rheumatology has believed I do not have PMR. I have suffered from myalgia, low grade fevers when not on prednisone. Just now speaking with my yet again new Rheumatologist, he wants me off prednisone for my next week's appointment. I told him about my chronic tooth infection. He seemed to have interest in this. There has been studies linking tooth abscess with raised inflammatory markers, and when not resolved causing joint pain mimicking RA. Is this cause of 2 years of suffering?
I will be off prednisone by tomorrow and will have repeat labs following. Let's pray all my markers have returned to normal. My markers have never been normal despite being on prednisone. So we will see.