I was diagnosed with pmg last September and after a few hours on steroids , a miracle happened, no pain, able to get out of bed, and for the most part still on steroids, but successfully tapered down to 3mg. Now with possibly a chest infection, diagnosed over the phone and given antibiotics, the pain is back in my arms, upper back. I did actually see face to face a doctor last month to check on my omg, but as he said I had a blood test in December, no repeat one as required. I still have a bad cough with mucus and am now considering upping my steroids for a week to see if this improves the situation, any help would be gratefully received as it’s no point trying to get a go appointment as you can only do it by filling in the appropriate form by clicking onto a link, how times have changed. I am 83.
maybe chest infection ?: I was diagnosed with pmg... - PMRGCAuk
maybe chest infection ?

Do you think the back pain might be from lots of coughing? Perhaps it isn’t but worth considering before PMR is assumed. How have you been energy wise regards adrenal function?

I wonder if it is the chest infection that is causing the aches. And at this stage at 3mg your adrenal function will be working hard because you are unwell. Often having an infection is enough to make PMR symptoms more obvious.
But really Dr GP - blood tests can vary a lot in 4 months!!! I'm also not sure how you can differentiate between a chest infection where abx are appropriate and one where they aren't on the phone - and mostly these days steroids are given for chest infections. So more abx given inappropriately and patients not recovering as quickly ...
Thank you for your prompt reply, and the information. I did think it strange that I was given a diagnosis over the phone, and also no blood test or even a follow up date. Our surgery is on a quality care assessment which gave the rate as inadequate, makes you wonder. I will hold back on raising my steroid dose. As you could be right and the aches are probably due to the coughing. Thank you again.
energy wise, not too bad, I do a lot of gardening, but obviously not at the moment. I didn’t know if my adrenals have started. To kick in yet.
I suppose what I would do is increase the steroids by 5mg for a week and see if that makes any difference. You can just reduce back again after that.