Numbness in both feet for the last 7 months....started prednisone about a year ago, Actemra weekly injection 13 weeks...are the numb feet due to prednisone or something else...glucose in the morning is about 100...taking glipzide for sugar, zedia and repatha for high cholesteral due to Actemra ...I have been on a veggie diet for 5 sugar, no carbs....anyone here have numbness in feet?I was dianosed with both pmr/gca about a year ago....started at 60 mg pred and am down to 17.5.... 15 mg this weekend coming up.
Numbness in both feet: Numbness in both feet for... - PMRGCAuk
Numbness in both feet

Hello, I can’t answer your query and there is no easy answer because it is a symptom of various causes. But just to get you started before others reply, there are related posts to the right side of yours with similar titles. This link is one conversation about it. Have you mentioned it to the doctor yet?
Just a question about the diet and your high sugars. You say you are veggie with no carbs and no sugar. What do you eat in a typical day? How do you get enough protein to counter the affect of Pred on protein metabolism? Are you getting enough of the B group vitamins as low levels can affect the nervous system.
veggies stir fried in olive oil..veggies...kale, spinach, carrots, onion, bell peppers asparagus cucumber, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower ,,, A.M. .....2 slices uncured bacon and 2 eggs with the veggies.....P/M/ piece of chicken, baked with the veggies. Supplements, B complex, Vitamin D-3 , Vitamin C ,,Calcium, Zinc , magnesium..
That isn't veggie! Bacon and chicken definitely aren't veggie! That is a plant-based diet.

If you are eating a veggie diet it is very unlikely it is NO carbs. Almost all vegetables have some carbs, especially root vegetables.
Didn't know that....Do you think carbs can cause numb feet?
If your Glipizide isn’t keeping on top of your blood sugars you could be getting peripheral neuropathy but you need to get other things rules out like circulatory disruption or wider neurological problems and drug side effects.
Thank you Snazzy...blood sugar is high during the day, about 175...but in the morning it has been as low as 80, but average close to 100 {A.M. before breakfast)...I easily get numbness in the hands too, but it goes away quickly....the endocrinologist put me on the glipzide and metformin, but couldn't tolerate the latter....pain in knees, hip and chest pains...went away after stopping metformin.
Saw heart doctor, he put me on repatha for high cholesterol...EKG, ultrasound of heart, didn't see anything alarming...seeing Neuro in a couple weeks...
Good morning l have numbness and tingling in both feet and lower legs. I have had an inconclusive nerve conductivity test. However l have been told by a doctor and physio that it is due to spinal stenosis and trochanteric pain syndrome. It's worse on the left, the side l had a major fall from a horse onto a road on. A few years ago.
I have numbness, tingling and pain in my feet and lower legs. I have a rheumatologist and neurosurgeon who say I have spinal stenosis and crowded cauda equina. Mine is also worse on the left side. My physio has given me exercises for my back and I will soon be getting some for my feet, he is also going to refer me to a podiatrist.
I wish you well.
I developed a numb foot also numbness and tingling and numbness around my mouth early in my GCA/PMR journey, I was referred to Neurophysiology for tests on my foot and then a MRI scan, eventually I got a reply which said it didn't raise any concerns however wear and tear and a degree of spinal stenosis which thankfully does not cause any compression on nerves but also signs of bulging disks at the bottom of my spine, which do not cause compressed nerves either, that letter just suggested self referral to the physio. however I lacked confidence as to whether they was familiar with the effect these diseases have on our muscles and left off the exercises suggested. For fear of doing more damage. For the mouth and tongue the rhumat. just suggested B1 for nerve damage. And has now suggested I ask again for a physio specialising in the spine. However I intend to go privately if that doesn't go as i would like.